(C) HS (SM)

I am an America U.S.A. soldier.

I shoot straight and speak the truth.

This is my private personal company.

You can become very-deeply involved in my company,
but you must first fully meet our high U.S.A. security
clearance legal requirements, which include you as a
citizen passing deeply-invasive U.S.A. investigation.

We are NOT an equal opportunity employer.

We are very-narrow minded.

We report truth, that truth will often
create a strong response against us.

Rigorous Review of Business and Industry.

Henry Swerdloff, Boston U.S.A.

If using a Small Cell Phone,
Click to load a normal Small Page.

If using a Small Cell Phone,
Click to load an encrypted SSL Small Page.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

We are a Consultant, and we
could also be an Investor.

What do you propose?

Hire Henry dot Com

Higher Henry dot Com

usa Political Warfare dot com

usa War Fighter dot Com
(and all it implies)
is part of our operation.

With NO fear or favor, we are available to
serve our clients and our competitors.

We are Very-Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A.

Our primary intention is to influence corrupt
abusive foreign and U.S.A. governments.

Because we can do military-related work,
foreign intelligence people study this Web
page and we contaminate them with truth.

Some readers verify that truth
and share it with others.

Henry Swerdloff, Boston U.S.A.
Rigorous Review of Business and Industry.

Click to load this Big Page
as SSL RigorousReview.com

Click to load this Big Page
as SSL SwerdloffBostonUSA.com

Click to load this Big Page
to make it equal to SSL PayHenry.com

Hire Henry dot Com

Higher Henry dot Com

usa Political Warfare dot com

Foreign and our U.S.A.

Criminal Political Activity.

Politically Active Criminals.

We are fully-made in our U.S.A. by people born
Foreign and Domestic, some of which may have been
slaves but are now free, and all may now be U.S.A. citizens.

Our strong human expectation is that
Liberty and Justice will be for ALL.

With NO fear or favor, we are available to
serve our clients and our competitors.

We want every person, physical or not, human or not,
to share in a healthy-way with the common-good.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM) (USA)

We use this U.S.A. Registered Service Mark
for all our U.S.A. and Foreign services.

To allow our Henry to fully participate in some
activities mentioned on this Web page,
he earned required very-high
U.S.A. security clearance.

His current U.S.A. security credentials should not
limit your un-inhibited private face-to-face at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.

This Web page Edited 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

Our public normal U.S.A. 24-hour voice telephone is
still our old analog 1972 land line: +1 617 232 3379

We are a Consultant, and we
could also be an Investor.

What do you propose?

We are Part of Management and Scientific
and Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

This page is our Verifiable History using
our North America version of English.

To accomplish our ultimate goal,
we will properly do what we must,
when we must, in the way we must.

We want every person, physical or not, human or not,
to share in a healthy-way with the common-good.

Our strong human expectation is that
Liberty and Justice will be for ALL.


Political Media.

Criminal Political Activity.

Politically Active Criminals.

As in 1776, our U.S.A. media
will report absolute truth,
or ignore it, or invent it.

Our U.S.A. Media provides our political education, but,
too-often our U.S.A. media choose-to-fail to fully and
truthfully try to educate us and our U.S.A. public.

We see we have a job to do that we MUST do properly and fully.

Expect us to be NOT very-nice and NOT very-gentle about it.

All good things are possible if we dare to make it so.

Bring us in.

This Web page was Edited 16 September 2023 UTC.

Except for a different format to enhance its
distribution, this ls our ISBN publication

Use this Web page as if it was our
publication ISBN 13:9780692131701

This Web page does NOT contain info
controlled by our U.S.A. regulations:
"International Traffic in Arms." and
"Export Administration Regulations."

usa War Fighter dot Com
(and all it implies)
is part of our operation.

usa Political Warfare dot com

The best way to keep the peace, is to
properly prepare for un-inhibited war.

With NO fear or favor, we are available to
serve our clients and our competitors.

We try to protect and
enhance our U.S.A.

Truth and Justice is
our Strong Tradition.

We will fully do
the right thing.

We expect that to change the current government of Mainland China,
will be for us to help its current citizens to become many separate
independent nations. _ With each nation having its own separate
independent government, each with its own separate military
and each with its own separate representation in the world.

The only alternative will be a war with us, and that
war will result in us imposing those changes on
the current CCP government of Mainland China.

We expect wisdom from China.

If current CCP people should act wise to avoid war with us AND also impose
those changes, it will be the best thing for them to do for ALL their people.

China, after our current China job is fully and properly
done, and she is fully under our protection as is
our independent sovereign nation of Taiwan.

China, after her emancipation.

China, as we intend her to become.

China, perhaps as a part of the U.S.E.A.

China, a small independent state, perhaps as a
part of the USEA, the United States of East Asia.

Perhaps USEA will include China, Mongolia, Tibet, U . . . .

We expect wisdom from China.

China is NOT Russia.


_ U.S.A. and Taiwan _

Both flags are current.

U.S. Navy flag is from 1775.

Our Taiwan flag is from 1949.

Our U.S.A. Culture demands
that the big guy must protect
the little guy from the bad bully.

That is the way of our world, and
we make our world as it should be.

You know our U.S.A. is also a big bully, but usually
we try very-hard to be very-nice and NOT bad.


Issues related to our island nation of Taiwan and others,
and current Mainland China:
_ Because our military
and diplomatic activities to support our friends has
adequate popular support by our U.S.A. people,
our military and diplomatic activities continue.

Our U.S.A. power requires
responsibility in how we use it.

We make war on governments,
we do NOT make war on their people.

The current Mainland China Government acts as a religion
in which every thing they say is perfect-truth and the only-way
ahead is their-way, and if you fail to accept their wisdom then
you are against them and against their religion, and you must
be corrected or eliminated to protect the current government.

We expect the current military of Mainland China to join with us,
to do what is best for all their mainland people and their neighbors.

The current military of Mainland China,
they know what has to be done.


We share our Wisdom with China.

We have again been represented in Beijing, China;
this time from June 15, 2023 to June 18, 2023;
by the Beijing International Book Fair.



Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM) (USA)

We use this U.S.A. Registered Service Mark
for all our U.S.A. and Foreign services.

We are Part of Management and Scientific
and Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

This page is our Verifiable History using
our North America version of English.

Our U.S.A. Media provides our political education, but,
too-often our U.S.A. media choose-to-fail to fully and
truthfully try to educate us and our U.S.A. public.

The business and technical services our
company now offers, had their foundation
at the time of our Henry's military participation.

(R) (SM)


This Photo was edited
from Public Domain.

Henry would wear the above
uniform for his typical work.

While our Henry demonstrated superior technical knowledge
to most others in his unit, he could NOT be advanced in
rank to administrate others. _
While he demonstrated
healthy good attitudes and did his best, he still was a
very-quiet child demonstrating very-poor social skills.

Hire Henry dot Com

Higher Henry dot Com

usa Political Warfare dot com

We can properly and quietly provide our services to
our clients and their clients, with our role being
that of an identifiable partner or facilitator.

We are Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A., but we
can see that our America U.S.A. is deep in domestic
political strife and she needs our healthy honest help.

In us being reasonable and rational, we demonstrate our
independence of opinions expressed by actions of some
U.S.A. government leaders that should know better.

This Web page Edited 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

Our public normal U.S.A. 24-hour voice telephone is
still our old analog 1972 land line: +1 617 232 3379

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

RR, Boston U.S.A., Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry, Henry Swerdloff.

Part of the Management and Scientific and
Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

Business Management Consultation and Services.

We are especially good in difficult security matters.

We collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce new non-consumer physical product,
and we properly help in solving some kinds of problems
with the people that design or produce or sell or . . . .

We also provide in client facility our services to help
enhance innovation and reliability for the tools and
attainment-of-goals of our U.S.A. war fighter.

Links to outside Web sites are directly below.

We do NOT host these Web sites on our servers,
they could use Cookies and try to identify you.

To return to THIS PAGE after viewing,
first TRY LEFT ARROW on Browser

Better Business Bureau (R)
View our U.S.A. BBB full record.

UFO or UAP archived report, as
for Peer-Review by our Henry in 1989.

You can Report on-line crime directly to our U.S.A. FBI.

Extensive Description of crimes our U.S.A. FBI will investigate.

, our Henry is personally a strongly non-political partner of a
high-status U.S.A. federal investigation and law enforcement
entity. _ Far below on this page are full and proper details
about our Henry being personally a partner of that
entity. _ Included is a Verification Method.

Our Henry has a long deep history.

We are usually administrated by
our Henry, he annoys us a lot.

Our Henry, his deep non-formal
education was NOT wasted on him.

Our Henry, his family demonstrated that
Truth and Justice is our America U.S.A.
way of life, and it is a blessing to actually
help others to reach that which we aspire to.

Our Henry is Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

We use this U.S.A. Registered Service Mark
for all our U.S.A. and Foreign services.

This page is our Verifiable History using
our North America version of English.

We are Part of Management and Scientific
and Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

This Web page Edited 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

Our deep concerns about
the future of our U.S.A.

Those of us working here may have been born any place,
but OUR Core Values were Made in OUR America U.S.A.

We know the religion of Socialist Marxist doctrine has
deeply contaminated the elite of our U.S.A. focused world.

Some have earned continuing superior influence over our
current U.S.A. state and federal governments by influencing
the elite persons that actually make policy in our governments,
in big business, in big education, in big media print and electronic.

We have deep concerns about the future of our U.S.A.

We have real and strong obligations to those that
came before us and to those that come after us.

Our deep strong fears are normal and healthy,
but because duty now clearly points the way,
those forces amassed against us count little.

In us being reasonable and rational, we demonstrate our
independence of opinions expressed by the actions of some U.S.A.
leaders, and leaders of other governments which also should know better.

We remain Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A., but we
can clearly see that our U.S.A. is deep in her domestic
political strife and she needs our healthy honest help.

We will fully do the right thing.

Bring us in.

Hire Henry dot Com

The best way to keep the peace, is to
properly prepare for un-inhibited war.

With NO fear or favor, we are available to
serve our clients and our competitors.

usa Political Warfare dot com

As bad as our U.S.A. will some times act,
as a nation we usually TRY to do the right thing.

As a nation, we know our U.S.A. republic
can demonstrate higher-values more-often.

As a nation, we some times TRY to remove
those powerful parts of us that corrupt us.

It is very-difficult to change to improve,
but we TRY and some times we succeed.

When we TRY again we often fail again.

We often go back to the way we were before.

But we keep trying, and we keep discovering that
it is very-frustrating dealing with a free-people,
because each person has their point-of-view.

Each of our citizens has an opinion and a
free-vote, and each will vote the way they please.

Regardless of high personal status,
corrupt is still corrupt, trash is still trash.

Some of our America U.S.A. people will
force-the-success of those they want to win.

Some low-status trash or high-status elite
may resort to very-serious criminal activity and be
very-proud of their ultimate-success in corrupt-activity.

Criminal Political Activity.

Politically Active Criminals.

Bring us in.

We play nice and we do good things,
and we usually do our job properly.

Some current popular political adversaries are
gifted U.S.A. elite, which imposed acts on our
healthy progressive society, to force political
goals world history shows is very-destructive.

Some of our adversaries are loyal America
U.S.A. elite that try to destroy our freedoms
in support of traditional Karl Marx theology.

Marxist Communism is an organized religion
designed to take the place of other religions.

Karl Marx theology is the state religion of
Mainland China, their CCP strongly supports
the U.S.A. version of their Marxist religion.

Examples of Marxist Communism in old
Stalin's Russia and current Mainland China
demonstrate to us what to expect from
some U.S.A. elite and their supporters.

With our U.S.A. power
comes responsibility.

We do our best to
limit our behavior.

Personal and Corporate behavior of some of our
U.S.A. elite and their supporters, show us they
made a free choice to NOT see and learn from
the failure of Communism of early Russia and
failure of Communism now of Mainland China.

We all get hurt and our nation fails.

We are not always kind to our U.S.A. popular
elite when they try to destroy us all, but
we still try to help them gain wisdom.

We expect them to feel ashamed of the
great-harm they have done to us all.

We and others are now in the process of
educating them, and we are not kind.

Life for all must go on, those criminals
can be forgiven if they truly repent.

Most of them, even those that are
rich and gifted, they are fools.

Bring us in.

As a result of our actions, we try
to have good benefits for all.

We educate others by our example.

We demonstrate healthy behaviors
any adversary could adopt.

With NO fear or favor, we are available to
serve our clients and our competitors.

To accomplish our ultimate goal,
we will properly do what we must,
when we must, in the way we must.

We want every person, physical or not, human or not,
to share in a healthy-way with the common-good.

Our human expectation is that
Liberty and Justice will be for ALL.

We see we have a job to do that we must do properly and
fully and NOT be very-nice and NOT be very-gentle about it.

We and our U.S.A. have the attitude
and experience that all good things
are possible if we dare to make it so.

Bring us in.

(and all it implies)
is part of our operation.

Industrial Espionage, we review its risk and probability,
and we probably can identify its methods and people.

We collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce new non-consumer physical product,
and we properly help in solving some kinds of problems
with the people that design or produce or sell or . . . .

We also provide in client facility our services to help
enhance innovation and reliability for the tools and
the attainment-of-goals of our U.S.A. war fighters.

Our public normal U.S.A. 24-hour voice telephone is
our old analog 1972 land line: +1 617 232 3379

Click to Reload this page, to become
SSL RigorousReview.com

Click to Reload this page, to become
equal to SSL PayHenry.com

Hire Henry dot Com

QR loads page from our server.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

Hire Henry dot Com

RR, Boston U.S.A., Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry, Henry Swerdloff.

Part of the Management and Scientific and
Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

Business Management Consultation and Services.

We are especially good in difficult security matters.

We collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce new non-consumer physical product,
and we properly help in solving some kinds of problems
with the people that design or produce or sell or . . . .

We also provide in client facility our services to help
enhance innovation and reliability for the tools and
attainment-of-goals of our U.S.A. war fighter.

Our Henry has deep heritage optimized to help him Design,
and Build, and Deliver, and Protect our tools for warfare;
this includes expertise in support of microbe warfare.

To allow our Henry to fully participate in some
activities mentioned on this Web page,
he earned required very-high
U.S.A. security clearance.

His current U.S.A. security credentials should not
limit your un-inhibited private face-to-face at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.

Hire Henry dot Com

(C) HS (SM)

This is my private personal company.

My name is Henry.

I am an America U.S.A. soldier.

I shoot straight and speak the truth.

When I was a quiet timid little boy, I knew
that I would become a United States soldier.

It was perfectly natural, big trees grow
into the shapes that little trees are bent.

My dedication towards parts of my U.S.A. military service
was profoundly religious-like and profoundly passionate.

I did my military job as best as I could, and
I did and still do conduct myself with honor.

I still live my personal and business life with
that same kind of honorable ethical passion.

In my military, I evolved to demonstrate superior
technical knowledge than most others in my unit.

I did not advance in rank to administrate others, because
I was still a child that demonstrated very-poor social skills.

When chatting with my military peers, I would usually
speak too softly and I would mostly look at my feet.

After my first 7 years, my military unit was informed our
mission had become obsolete and my unit was split-up.

I did not re-enlist after my first 8 years,
mostly because I was no-longer needed.

I still miss the challenge of some parts my military
experience, and still miss some people I served with.

The business and technical services my company now offers,
had their foundation at the time of my military participation.

Those of us working at my private personal
company may have been born in any place, but
our core values were Made in OUR America U.S.A

Those of us now working at my private personal
company, AND those of us that may still be Legally
part of an Alien Separate Assisting Company
, they
and us may have been born in ANY place, but our
and their core values are equal or identical to values
we inherited by us being Made in OUR America U.S.A.,
and We and They in Personal and Business life Live and
Work and Serve with similar honorable ethical passion.

I am worthy of your attention.

I see gifted human-trash is still trash.

I know that what is right is right, and that
what is wrong is wrong, and that
what is a sin is a sin, and that
what is criminal is criminal.

I am a product of life experience dictated by
my genetic and social endowment, and by
many cultures in which I live and work.

Legal or Not, I help change some Foreign
and U.S.A. corrupt abusive governments.

I join with appropriate others to help
trap and entrap and devastate any
Criminal Enterprise which could be
part of a Foreign or U.S.A. government.

Our U.S.A., our 50 states; our elected elite some times
act arrogant and criminal, and make us feel a strong
disgust of them at home and in the world.

We can correct those disgusting elected elite.

We can vote them out of their job.

I am personally a strongly non-political partner of
a high-status U.S.A. federal investigation and law
enforcement entity. _ For the general public, you
will find far below on this Web page full and proper
details about my being personally a partner of that
U.S.A. federal entity. _ I include a Verification Method.


Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.


This is my personal private company.

I share it with appropriate others.


I am personally available to serve as a
Board Member in U.S.A. or international.

I have appropriate history.

Details are distributed below.

There is NO menu and NO index.

I want you to learn about my company.


I live next to Boston U.S.A.; in Brookline, MA 02446

This is in the New York time zone.

I am Strongly Non-Political in my U.S.A.

My public normal U.S.A. 24-hour voice telephone is
my old analog 1972 land line: +1 617 232 3379

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

The business and technical services my company now offers,
had their foundation at the time of my military participation.

(R) (SM)

USA ARNG MA Massachusetts

Part of my heritage, from
1956 to 1964, for 8 full years.

In 1956, my first dress uniform was dark Olive Drab colored wool
with its bright First Army patch on its left sleeve, and my leather
shoes and boots were high-shine dark brown; and my usual
utility fatigue work uniform was dark Green colored cotton.

I would later fall in love with my mission and my
almost-new U.S. Carbine, Caliber .30, M1/A1.

Demonstrating great wisdom of an un-educated child, I believed
I was able to contribute greatly to the survival of our civilization.

I was a highly-motivated child with very poor social skills,
but I had extensive informal background in artillery and
radar and missile systems at the component level.

While I demonstrated superior technical knowledge to most
others in my unit, I could not be advanced in rank to
administrate others, because I was still a child
that demonstrated very poor social skills.

When chatting with my military peers, I would usually
speak too softly and I would mostly look at my feet.

In 1963, my unit was told our mission was now obsolete,
then my unit was split-up and I was put into a unit
in which my special skills were not needed.

In 1964, I did not re-enlist after my 8 years,
mostly because I was no-longer needed.

I still miss the challenge of my military experience,
and I still miss some of the people I served with.

The business and technical services my company now offers,
had their foundation at the time of my military participation.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

SSL encryption can get in the way.

This page is often viewed in the second and
third world by people often limited by their
old technology, often using manually-set
early protocol and acoustic modems, on
analog land-lines for dial-up telephones.

Our Henry learned that good honest people of
high-honor could come from cultures that appear to
represent the triumph of evil-over-good, and that official
records from ANY authority may NOT always represent truth,
and that it takes courage to fight and skill and luck to survive.

Our Henry often U.S.A. counseled and trained and
administrated such second and third world people.

Old technology can trap good people.

We are the good guys.

We find and solve business
and technical problems, and try to
protect and enhance our U.S.A. republic.

With NO fear or favor, we are available to
serve our clients and our competitors.

The best way to keep the peace, is to
properly prepare for un-inhibited war.

We can see our U.S.A. is deep in domestic
political strife and needs our healthy help

Our primary intention is to influence corrupt
abusive foreign and U.S.A. governments.

Because we can do military-related work,
foreign intelligence people study this Web
page and we contaminate them with truth.

Some readers verify that truth
and share it with others.

We are Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A.

We can properly and quietly provide our services to
our clients and their clients, with our role being
that of an identifiable partner or facilitator.

As before, our Henry works here full time,
and owns and administrates our company.

As before, our Henry is appropriate for
U.S.A. very-high security clearance
for almost any interesting project.

I own this company.

My first name is Henry.

You and I are responsible
for what comes after us.

We try to do what honor dictates.

When our duty clearly points the way,
forces amassed against us count little.

When we were children, you and I were carefully trained to
hate and fear all of those that our relatives and friends hate.

Much earlier in my Boston U.S.A. I closely worked with
or I administrated or I provided personal services to
many previous adversaries of their then-hated U.S.A.

I learned that this is a very-small world in which
adversaries CAN work and live well together with
NO conflict and make permanent families together.

We are the good guys.

We are Passionate and Arrogant and Brainless.

Our U.S.A. Media provides our political education.

But, too-often, our U.S.A. media choose-to-fail to fully
and truthfully try to educate us and our U.S.A. public.

So, we being the good guys, we strongly work
for many full and proper and healthy changes.

"By the sword we seek peace,
but peace only under liberty."

"Never shall we a slave be."

We provide our full security consultation and other full services
that properly support some kinds of legitimate very-high-risk
venture capital investment in hostile or corrupt environments.

We almost always try to do the right thing, but we quickly found
some times we can not actually do the right thing and survive.

We some times find our survival is much-less important than
our ultimate goal, and then we do what honor dictates.

We both have to try our best, because none of us can really
escape ultimate responsibility for our action or lack of action.

We both are no different. _ In our body or out of it,
our life can still be what we choose to make it.

We both have to do what honor dictates.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

This is our most-current full Brochure.

This is a general-interest truth-based
intimately-detailed electronic publication.

You are viewing the same up-dated content of our
ISBN, as Edited 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

This Web page relates mostly
to Web addresses in this list:

Bring Us In dot Com

USA War Fighter dot Com

Henry Boston USA dot Com

USA Enduring Power dot Com

USA Political Warfare dot Com

USA Microbe Warfare dot Com

Rigorous Review dot Com

Henry Swerdloff dot Com

Higher Henry dot Com

Hire Granny dot Com

Hire Susan dot Com

Hire Henry dot Com

Pay Henry dot Com

This QR validates then loads
ISBN page from our server.

ISBN number of this Web page:

ISBN stands for International Standard Book Number.

It is a number that identifies a specific publication.

Subtitle: _ Our company Brochure, an honest record.
Book Category: _ True Crime > Organized Crime
ISBN _ 13:9780692131701
Publication Year: _ 2021

This old 2021 ISBN version was last
revised 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

This Web page you are now viewing was
also revised 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

This Web page does NOT contain info
controlled by our U.S.A. regulations:
"International Traffic in Arms." and
"Export Administration Regulations."

Click to Reload this page, to become
SSL RigorousReview.com

Click to Reload this page, to become
equal to SSL PayHenry.com

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

We use this U.S.A. Registered Service Mark
for all our U.S.A. and Foreign services.

We are Part of Management and Scientific
and Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

This page is our Verifiable History using
our North America version of English.

Truth and Justice is
our Strong Tradition.

We try to protect and
enhance our U.S.A.

In Europe, in Ukraine and Russia,
good people that looked and smelled
the same, now kill each other the same.

Both peoples appear trapped by their history.

We expect to provide services, in theater, for both.

Both nations suffer deeply-corrupt political cultures.

We will dance very-close with both, to our own music.

When we learn to dance very-close,
it is normal to step on each other's toes;
and we both pretend to forgive each other.

We make war on governments,
we do NOT make war on their people.

Our U.S.A. power requires
responsibility in how we use it.

For a limited time, we may involve us
more in Europe than in recent years.

Our long history has included our Henry
providing services in his U.S.A. to nationals of
both Ukraine and Russia, which each now being
the currently violent deadly adversary of the other.

Our Henry worked with both when employment duties
required them to work together with him in his U.S.A.

Our Henry also provided legitimate limited personal
in his U.S.A. to others of their heritage.

Our work can be very-complicated and very-messy.

In war theatre, our Host provides and pays for all related.

In war theatre, our Host must arrange lethal security.

If we have a job to do, we do that job properly.

We are also available to our competitors, to
properly and quietly provide our services to
their clients, with our role being that of
an identifiable partner or facilitator.

Our Owner is available for direct
physical service in war theatre.

Find details below.

Web browsers and servers often drop
graphics which take too-long to fully-load.

This Web page often works properly using voice
telephone lines with analog or acoustic modems.

People that know of us view this Web page in the
second and third world parts of our planet Earth.

We have honorable experience with such people.

Our deep-commitment is to NOT exclude them.

We know they may need us.

Industrial Espionage, we review its risk and probability,
and we probably can identify its methods and people.

We collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce new non-consumer physical product,
and we properly help in solving some kinds of problems
with the people that design or produce or sell or . . . .

We also provide in client facility our services to help
enhance innovation and reliability for the tools and
the attainment-of-goals of our U.S.A. war fighters.

usa Political Warfare dot com

We are Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A., but
we can see that our U.S.A. is deep in domestic
political strife and needs our healthy honest help.

Our U.S.A. Media provides
our political education.

We are the good guys.

We find too-often our U.S.A. media choose to
fail to fully and truthfully educate our public.

"By the sword we seek peace,
but peace only under liberty."

"Never shall we a slave be."

Reload this page to become SSL RigorousReview.com

Reload this page to make it become equal to SSL PayHenry.com

We are the good guys.

RR, Boston U.S.A., Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry, Henry Swerdloff.

Part of the Management and Scientific and
Technical Consulting services industry.

Our services include International Class 035
business development consulting services.

Business Management Consultation and Services.

We are especially good in difficult security matters.

We are very capable and we have an excellent attitude.

Our expertise and our innovative approach and management
could probably greatly-make your honest venture a success.

Industrial Espionage, we review its risk and probability,
and we probably can identify its methods and people.

We collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce new non-consumer physical product,
and we properly help in solving some kinds of problems
with the people that design or produce or sell or . . . .

We also provide in client facility our services to help
enhance innovation and reliability for the tools and
attainment-of-goals of our U.S.A. war fighter.

Our Henry has deep heritage optimized to help him Design,
and Build, and Deliver, and Protect our tools for warfare;
this includes expertise in support of microbe warfare.

It is valid to think of us as being soldiers that
parachute in to an enemy area to correctly
identify and enforce the common-good.

It is valid to think of us as being a "Special Master" for our
U.S.A. Military, to select between Two or More Competitors
for a Contract, with our Henry evaluating One or Many to
ensure actual or implied orders or best practice is followed,
and to fully evaluate facts and opinions, and to take deep
risk and make recommendations with NO fear or favor.

bring us in dot com

We are worthy of your attention.

We are usually administrated by
our Henry, he annoys us a lot.

Our Henry, his deep non-formal
education was NOT wasted on him.

Our Henry, his family demonstrated that
Truth and Justice is our America U.S.A.
way of life, and it is a blessing to actually
help others to reach that which we aspire to.

Our Henry is Strongly Non-Political in our U.S.A.

Our Henry, his actual level of legal formal
U.S.A. Security Clearance will usually depend
on his then-current employment affiliation duties.

To allow our Henry to fully participate in some
activities mentioned on this Web page,
he earned required very-high
U.S.A. security clearance.

His current U.S.A. security credentials should
not limit your
un-inhibited private face-to-face at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.

Being a free people, with our true leaders being only
those that earned our trust, we work best when
we fully understand why we must do as we do.

We dance to our own music.

We do our jobs quietly and slowly and properly.

Our quality is reliable.

As we become deeply involved with you,
you will see we are the good guys.

usa Political Warfare dot com

We know our U.S.A. is in
domestic political strife
and she needs all the
help she can get.

In our U.S.A. we are strongly
non-political, and it is our policy
that you will get what you deserve, and
we know you may NOT want what you deserve.

With our U.S.A. power comes our responsibility.

We demonstrate many healthy behaviors that
any adversary could adopt for their people.

We wave our America U.S.A. flag
a lot, it is how we honestly feel.

Our little company, we do the
best we can in our best interest,
and usually we share with others.

This is our most-current full Brochure, a general-interest
truth-based intimately-detailed electronic publication.

Our primary intention is to influence corrupt abusive governments.

Because we can do military-related work, some foreign intelligence
people study this Web page and we contaminate them with truth.

Some readers verify that truth and share it with others.

Our Owner, our Henry, presented a normal 2021 version
of this current Brochure to the book trade and the
international military intelligence community
using the public book fairs listed below: 

In English, at the 2021 New York Library Association book fair, and at
the China 2022 and the China 2023 Beijing International book fairs.


Subtitle: _ Our company Brochure, an honest record.
Book Category: _ True Crime > Organized Crime
ISBN _ 13:9780692131701
Publication Year: _ 2021

On this Web page, you are viewing same up-dated content
of our ISBN, as Edited 16 September 2023, at about 16:28 UTC.

If using a Small Cell Phone,
Click Here to load a Small Page.

16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

RR, Boston U.S.A., Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry, Henry Swerdloff.

This is our full Brochure.

By design, No menu and No index.

We want you to go deeply into this
brochure and learn about us.

We deeply understand our limitations,
and we try our best to go beyond them.

We are worthy of your attention.

We are an old reliable U.S.A. Business.
Click to visit verification page.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

We use this U.S.A. Registered Service Mark
for all our U.S.A. and Foreign services.

Next to Boston U.S.A.; in Brookline, MA 02446.

We are in the New York time zone.

In 2016, our Susan M. Aucoin died peacefully.

Our Henry, by him working directly WITH our Susan M. Aucoin,
he learned a lot by her sharing with him her administration of
her for-profit Medical Practice support, and also administration
of her new for-profit child Education daycare service start-up

Telephone us to speak directly
with an appropriate

If an appropriate leader is NOT available
to immediately answer your telephone call,
our public 24-hour voice telephone can receive
and edit your voice message. _ It answers, then
it will give full names of our Henry and Susan,
then it will present you with options to edit.

Our public normal U.S.A. 24-hour voice telephone is
our old analog 1972 land line: +1 617 232 3379

We are part of the Management and Scientific
and Technical Consulting services industry.

Legal or Not, we help change some Foreign
and U.S.A. corrupt abusive governments.

We have the attitude and experience
that all good things are possible
when we dare to make it so.

Our services and this Web page are a
strong expression from us ordinary people.

We demonstrate that we strongly desire human
values to be expressed in a way that will strongly
influence leaders that require our healthy influence.

In our U.S.A. we are strongly
non-political, and it is our policy
that you will get what you deserve, and
we know you may NOT want what you deserve.

Join us, or step aside and let us do our job.

To accomplish our ultimate goal,
we will properly do what we must,
when we must, in the way we must.

We live in interesting times.

usaWarFighter.com is part of our operation.

We and our U.S.A. have the attitude
and experience that all good things
are possible if we dare to make it so.

You will learn we do not play stupid games.

We are Responsible and Accountable.

We are at our best when we stir the pot and
bring out of your existing others that which
their current management usually stifles.

Then, perhaps you would want us to remain
and administrate some or all participants.

Proper Management of your Project can be
our Responsibility and our Accountability.

It is our duty to properly complete our
job and take ownership of the result.

History and Tradition.

The big guy must protect
the little guy from the bully.

That is the way of our world,
and we make it as it should be.

We can see gifted human-trash is still trash.

Legal or Not, we help change some Foreign
and U.S.A. corrupt abusive governments.

We have the attitude and experience
that all good things are possible
when we dare to make it so.

Communication with us
should be in English.

To provide appropriate Foreign or U.S.A.
security clearance and job skills, we will
use employers of convenience to legally
employ people and assign them to us


If We Find It, We End It.


We Finance, Administrate, Design,
Certify, Market, Manufacture,
Weapon System Technology.


Our history is long and strong.


We work in the public interest,
join us or step aside.


We are as brutal as any other humans.

We hide our most brutal parts, we reserve
it for those that betray their public's trust.

Boston U.S.A.

We Consult and Invest.

Weapon System Technology.

We Finance, Administrate, Design,
Certify, Market, Manufacture.



We are America U.S.A.

Equality before the Law.

We are fully non-political.


If We Find It, We End It.

We accept the real risk we invite.

We reliably do what has to be done.

You will find that in our U.S.A. we are strongly
Non-Political, BUT,
if you betray your people's
trust and your oath of office and defecate on
people, then
we will strongly help others to
get you ALL of what you strongly deserve.

We strongly support justice in the world,
and it is some times very messy.

We are America U.S.A.

Liberty and Justice should be for all.

We try to be Truth and Justice and Right.

Our U.S.A. media may choose to NOT report Truth.

If Truth is reported, our U.S.A. governments
often may choose to NOT do Justice.

We can correct or remove any of our
elected elite which act disgusting.

You and us, working together.

We can change things.

We are U.S.A.

We are as brutal as any other humans.

We hide our most brutal parts, we reserve
it for those that betray their public's trust.

We are U.S.A. people living and working in THIS world.

We understand those we may partner-with or work-with are
usually individuals and entities of high and superior reputation
which demonstrate high-standards of workmanship and honesty.

Some have many components within them that have staff and
management that is deeply-dishonest or deeply-political and
usually are very-destructive of any idea and action and entity
and group, any that voice or demonstrate any apposing view.

They see their corrupting way as the only way,
and they usually enforce it and propagate it.

We expect our work environment will be
non-conventional and corrupt and dangerous.

We understand the real risk we invite.

If we do NOT accept such risk,
we will despise ourselves.

Destructive Activity.

Our Policy is NOT their policy.

We are NOT the Law. _ We do what works.

We ignore the soldier or pawn, we know what they will face later
from those that know them best. _ But, we will remove those that
create, and initiate, and supervise, and pay for Destructive Activity.

Our tradition is different than most because we know our
very-deep coercion usually works well with truly bad
guys of very-high accomplishment in any culture.

We work with un-identified persons of subtle-influence and
quiet-power, which are perfectly capable of appropriate strong
action and are perfectly capable of seeing trash as being trash.

Our Policy in common with theirs, is for us to try to recycle some
gifted destructive human-trash, to help them become persons of
deep desire to help actions which human history shows will be
very-much-better for ALL humans and ALL non-humans.

With our human dream that Liberty and Justice is for ALL,
we see we have a job to do that we must do properly,
NOT be very nice and very gentle about it.

History and Tradition of our U.S.A.

The big guy must protect the little guy from the bully.

That is the way of our world, and we make it as it should be.


December 23, 1776.

"Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us,
that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph."

Thomas Paine



We find it, we end it.

We save the good guys,
we bring down the others.

We reliably do what has to be done.

We help entrap and devastate Criminal Enterprise,
that Criminal Enterprise could be a Government,
which could be Foreign or part of our U.S.A.

We make no deals and recognize no hostages.

We expect our work environment will be
non-conventional and corrupt and dangerous.

We understand and accept the real risk we invite.

If we do NOT accept such risk,
we will despise ourselves.


All our U.S.A. and Foreign services
use our U.S.A. Registered Service Mark.


If Public, our senior leaders are available
by voice telephone and text e-mail,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We can reliably provide services
on or around planet Earth.

We are next to Boston U.S.A.

New York time zone.


Legal or Not.

To accomplish our ultimate goal,
we will properly do what we must,
when we must, in the way we must.

(and all it implies)
is part of our operation.

We and our U.S.A. have the attitude
and experience that all good things
are possible if we dare to make it so.

Our Employment Requirements and Information,
our Copyright and other Legal Information;
you will find it all in this document.

By design, there is No menu and No index.

We want you to go deeply into this
brochure and learn about us.


We are fully Made in our U.S.A.

We are NOT an Equal
Opportunity Employer.

Special History
is Required.

We have
that history.

(C) HS (SM)

Our Company Owner, when a career employee
with his Pinkerton in his Boston MA, U.S.A.

(C) HS (SM)
To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R".
Our Company Owner, when a career employee
with Ellis, with aggressive duties in MA, U.S.A

(C) HS (SM)

Our Company Owner, in his additional Putnam CT office.
We later replaced it with our Thompson CT office.
Our old Boston MA office is now our only office.

Boston U.S.A.

Rigorous Review dot com

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

U.S.A. Weapon System Technology.

Edited on 16 September 2023, at 04:01 UTC.

Legal Communication with us should only be in English.

We try to change life for all.

We want every person, physical or not, human or not,
to share in a healthy-way with the common-good.


16 September 2023

In Europe, in Ukraine and Russia,
good people that looked and smelled
the same, now kill each other the same.

At this time, inside Ukraine and Russia, you can still
use our services, which we now restrict to their
citizens and nationals and some others.

For a limited time, we may involve us more in Europe
than in recent years. _ Our long history has included
the now adversary nationals of Ukraine and Russia.

Our Owner worked with both when their employment duties
required them to work together with him in his U.S.A.

Our Owner also provided limited personal services
in his U.S.A. to others of their heritage.

In Europe, in Ukraine and Russia,
at this time in their brutal war,
you can still use our services.

Our Henry is also available.


16 September 2023

Our services to Taiwan and to
others that relate to that service.

Our owner and we remain very-happy to continue to
fully-follow our U.S.A. Law requirement that ...

"... Taiwan shall be treated as though it were designated a
major non-NATO ally (as defined in section 644(q) of the
Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2403(q))[)]."

We expect to be allowed to do our part to battle
the CCP government of Mainland China.

We and Taiwan and some others of that region desire
removal of limitation imposed on our military expression.

We have a job to do.

It will be best for every one if we do it.

We want our U.S.A. Political Masters to step aside
and allow us to do our best job properly.

Our U.S. Navy _ Early World War 2 _ Public Domain 


16 September 2023


This true Conflict of Interest
is NOT good for our U.S.A.

Mainland China, its Socialist Marxist doctrine
has contaminated our U.S.A. focused world

Follow the money, follow the gifts, follow the favors.

Mainland China appears to have earned superior influence
over our current U.S.A. state and federal governments
influencing the elite persons that actually make policy in
government, and in big business, and in big education,
and in big media both in print and electronic.

We can see gifted human-trash is still trash.

Our U.S. Navy _ Early World War 2 _ Public Domain


16 September 2023

Military Conflict with Mainland China.

Mainland China's only political party, their CCP,
has a military that is an adversary worthy of us.

We are still able to change the world, and we should.

We should continue to help the general population of
Mainland China to become seven or eight regional separate
independent democratic countries, each country with its
own military and freely-elected separate government.

Some or all could remain independent nations,
or they could join together to become the
United States of East Asia, the U.S.E.A.

Our U.S.A. with our interested friends, we now have power
and opportunity to make it happen, but the best time to force
the change will be shortly after our 2024 national elections.

We can change Mainland China, and we should because it
will be better for her people and for all others and for us.


16 September 2023

Activity Below is normal and is Not Dated.

We can see gifted human-trash is still trash.

We can correct our disgusting elected elite.

We can vote them out of their job.

Our U.S.A., our 50 states, our elected elite some times
act arrogant and criminal, and make us feel a strong
disgust of them at home and in the world.

If our voting citizens remember that our U.S.A. is the true
"Land of Hope and Glory, Mother of the Free.",
then we CAN force any disgusting elected elite NOT to
push for their selfish and some times criminal agenda.


You will see, you and I and
our U.S.A., we have a job to do.

We evolved to have the ability to do that job,
after we took over from our Britain in 1776.

We have the attitude and experience that all good
things are possible when we dare to make it so.

Our goal is to change life for all so that every person,
physical or not, human or not, can contribute
in a healthy-way to the common-good.

Legal or Not.

We are in your country.

We can Enhance and Protect
your project and people.

Legal or Not.

To properly do our kind of work, our values make us
much-better than most-alternatives available to you.

We are who and what we are because
of values we permit to influence us.

Our life is dynamic,
we learn as we live it.

Legal or Not.

We find our plans do not survive first-contact with our client.

Before we can add value, we must work with our client.

We are available and we are worthy of your attention.


Bring us in.

In your country, Legal or Not.




"Politics is War by other means."







U.S.A. Weapon System Technology.

We Finance, Administrate, Design,
Certify, Market, Manufacture.

We Enhance and Protect
your project and people.

This is a fact of life, adjust to it.

We are in your country, Legal or Not.

Join us, or step aside and let us do our job.

You will learn we do not play stupid games.

We are in your country, Legal or Not.

We are a Consultant and Investor.

What do you propose?

Bring us in.

bring us in dot com

Our U.S.A.

Truth, Justice, Right.

Our culture was British,
of which we were a Colony.

After 1776 we evolved to be
the "Land of Hope and Glory".

We are responsible for our future.

"Never shall we a slave be."


1775 Political.To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R". Public Domain

1775 Political. Public Domain

1776 Political. Public Domain

2023 Political Public Domain


All our U.S.A. and Foreign services
use our U.S.A. Registered Service Mark.


If Public, our senior leaders are available
by voice telephone and text e-mail,
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

We can reliably provide services
on or around planet Earth.

We are in Boston U.S.A.

New York time zone.


(C) HS (SM)

Our Company Owner, when being a good boy.

(C) HS (SM)

Our Company Owner, when pretending to be a bad boy.


You and us were carefully trained when we were children,
to hate and fear all those our relatives and friends hate.


Active military conflict in Europe.

Both nations have deeply-corrupt political cultures.

Our Owner listens to people, and he trusts them.


Legal or Not.

Our Owner him self is available for assignment to
any active military conflict theatre in Europe.

Host provides and pays for all related.

In that theatre, Host, friendly or
hostile, will provide lethal security.

In that theatre, Our Owner will use friendly or
hostile military transport with no restriction.


Much earlier, our Owner and some previous citizens of
current adversaries were living and working in U.S.A.

In U.S.A., our Owner privately worked with
them or provided personal services to them.


Our Owner learned long-ago, this is a very-small world
in which adversaries CAN live and work together with
NO conflict and make permanent families together.


Foreign and U.S.A.

Our kind Henry is NOT a perfect human.

Our kind Henry is NOT all goodness and light.

It will be a Grave Mistake for those that have power,
to Order our Henry to corrupt his standards, when he
is Consultant to those that make things happen or not.

If our very responsible and very kind Henry is
made NOT able to fully administrate us, then
special un-inhibited NOT identified brutal
others will fully administrate us.



We have history, we hate bullies.

Problem of our planet Earth is that all people of every
group are carefully trained when they are children, to
hate and fear all those their relatives and friends hate.

The roots of the family of our Owner include some
nations in Europe that strongly followed their
national tradition and exterminated his relatives;
an action apparently supported by their citizens.

As his parents and their parents evolved, they
took care to explain and demonstrate parts of
their evolving heritage of struggle, from their
earlier roots to their then-current U.S.A.

His deep non-formal education
was NOT wasted on him.

His family demonstrated to him, that Truth and Justice is
our America U.S.A. way of life, and it is a blessing to
actually help others to reach that which we aspire to.

He also learned the wisdom of the motto;
"Speak softly and carry a big stick."

And, he learned early this simple rule,
which we do NOT apply to bullies; the
rule is for us to NOT do to others that
which we do NOT want done to us.



Covid-19 inoculation.

Our Owner will refuse his Covid-19 inoculations.

The problem is NOT the Covid-19 virus, the problem
is the current method used to produce its antibodies.

Our Owner has a job to do.

Subtitle: _ Our company Brochure, an honest record.
Book Category: _ True Crime > Organized Crime
ISBN _ 13:9780692131701
Publication Year: _ 2021

Our Owner understands some old viruses remain
latent in his body for his lifetime, and they may
reactivate following current Covid-19 inoculations,
and cause infection again or a different condition.

Our Owner also understands some components of
current Covid-19 inoculations may cause severe
allergic reactions which cause chronic disability.

Our Owner knows all current Covid-19 inoculations
can limit him by reactivating his old viruses, or by
causing allergic reactions which will cause chronic
_ It caused both in other healthy people.

Our Owner will refuse his Covid-19 inoculations.

Our Owner has a job to do.


In your country, Legal or Not.

We help you take the
high ground and hold it.

We show you how we work.

We try to take and keep the
most ethically superior position.

We are a Consultant and Investor.

What do you propose?


For NO tracking code or Cookie,
load this page directly from our server.

Click on Links below to Load this page
as a SSL page, or Not As a SSL page.

We do not usually SSL encrypt this page.

In some primitive systems,
SSL encryption gets in the way.


To encrypt this page, use:



We do NOT want robust encryption of this Public Page.

We want ALL to have easy access at any time in any place.

In some primitive systems,
SSL encryption gets in the way.

Force SSL from RigorousReview.com server.

Force SSL from SwerdloffBostonUSA.com server.

We do not usually encrypt our public pages.



You and me.

We are responsible for our future.

Our Freedom is NOT free.

We have to EARN it.

Us humans and other animals, usually our apparent
weakness reliably invites aggression against us.

A single individual or a big nation, our weakness and our
bad decisions will assure our ultimate permanent removal.

We and them, we both use War to achieve our Political goals.

"Politics is War by other means."


Our best U.S.A. Political Education has always
been from a zealous corruption-free public media.

Our U.S.A. voting public will usually make
very-good choices if and when our best
public media choose to properly do
their jobs without fear or favor.

Our U.S.A. has the health and time and treasure
and position and attitude to change the world for
the better, but our U.S.A. public media will have to
do their very-difficult job properly with no fear or favor.


Because of military-related work we do, some foreign intelligence
people study this Web page, and we contaminate them with truth.

"By the sword we seek peace,
but peace only under liberty."

"Never shall we a slave be."


History and Tradition of our U.S.A.

Text in this box originated June 21, 2022.

Content of this box relates to
our U.S.A. history and tradition.

All current political opinion, if any, has been removed.

This text content is from a public document posted on
June 21, 2022, by Ralph Kelley; subscriber to U.S.A. print
publication or its online publication: TheEpochTimes.com

U.S.A. history and tradition.

Our U.S.A. law, second amendment of our Constitution.

June 21, 2022; this is our fair-use copy
of a published text by Ralph Kelley.

" The 2d Amendment – a little history. "

" In early 1774, in response to the Boston Tea Party,
the British Parliament passed several laws –
sometimes called the Coercive Acts.

" One included an updated (new, sort of – it had been
used before) Quartering Act which allowed the government
to house British troops in peoples private homes and property. "

" While the government intended to use only
empty buildings – it was the INTENT of
the law that horrified the citizens.

" Part of the law required property owners to surrender
their guns if a soldier was housed in their property –
for the protection of the soldier, of course.

" After the Revolution and while putting together the
Bill of Rights this was a priority of our fore-fathers that
something like this was never allowed to happen again –
thus the 2d amendment. "

" Jefferson, Mason, Adams, et al – knew that
government can become very, very abusive
of its power and the only way to ensure a
balance was to have an armed citizenry.

June 21, 2022; this is our fair-use copy
of a published text by Ralph Kelley.



This video by "William Spaniel"
was p
ublished May 31, 2022.

This video explains and demonstrates causes
and probable results of the current war
between Russia and Ukraine.

This video length is 43 minutes. _ It is hosted
on secure You Tube dot Com SSL servers.

Below is our SSL Link to this Video: Published in U.S.A.,
on 31 May 2022, by "William Spaniel".

Click this Link to view this 43 minute SSL video.



This video by "Redacted"
was P
ublished May 1, 2022.

This video interview is of an excellent Journalist
that is visiting Ukraine and Exposing Truth.

Involved corrupt governments and corrupt
private interests do NOT like these truths.

Money and related stuff is deeply involved.

Some governments and interests see no harm,
to them it is how normal business is done.

This video length is 45 minutes. _ It is hosted
on secure You Tube dot Com SSL servers.

Below is our SSL Link to this Video: Published in U.S.A.,
on 1 May 2022, by "Redacted".

Click this Link to view this 45 minute SSL video.



This video by
"Military History not Visualized"
was p
ublished June 4, 2022.

This video explains and demonstrates why Russia,
because of its strong culture of theft and corruption,
why and how its 2022 war against Ukraine is failing.

This video length is 38 minutes. _ It is hosted
on secure You Tube dot Com SSL servers.

Below is our SSL Link to this Video: Published in U.S.A.,
on 16 September 2022, by "Military History not Visualized".

Click this Link to view this 38 minute SSL video.



This video by "Ward Carroll"
was p
ublished March 13, 2022.

This video shows what the Ukraine invasion
revealed about current Russian military power.

This video length is 16 minutes. _ It is hosted
on secure You Tube dot Com SSL servers.

Below is our SSL Link to this Video: Published in U.S.A.,
on 16 September 2022, By "Ward Carroll".

Click this Link to view this 16 minute SSL video.



This video by "Sub Brief"
was p
ublished April 14, 2022.

This video is an analysis of one Russian Navy failure
in Ukraine, and what it demonstrated to the world.

This video length is 11 minutes. _ It is hosted
on secure You Tube dot Com SSL servers.

Below is our SSL Link to this Video: Published in U.S.A.,
on 14 April 2022, By "Sub Brief".

Click this Link to view this 11 minute SSL video.



We are at war.

We have a job to do.

We are a very-old company.

We do our job to a very-high standard.

We are fully-made in the U.S.A. by people born
Foreign and Domestic, some of which may have been
slaves but are now free, and all may now be U.S.A. citizens.


Because of military-related work we do, foreign intelligence
people read this Web page.
_ Their reading of this page
provides us a good opportunity to influence them.

We contaminate them with verifiable truth.

Some readers will verify that truth and share it with others.


Our intention is to influence corrupt abusive governments.

For your freedom and ours, Legal or Not, we help
change some foreign and U.S.A. governments.


This Brochure was started in 2004,
it describes us and our capabilities.

It has remained an honest record of
our lives as we meet our challenges.

Like life, it is dynamic and it is
messy, and there is no Index
and no Table Of Contents.

Follow Me.


We are available and
worthy of your attention.


This Graphic is a QR that will dial our normal
U.S.A. 24-hour
analog telephone number.

This is still our 1972 land line.

+1 617 232 3379

We are available and we are
worthy of your attention.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.


We are good people.

Our Owner is Henry Swerdloff.

This Web page honestly expresses his true
values and deep history and probable future.

Only if you are fully satisfied will we expect you
to pay our Henry for his personal time and skill.


For all our U.S.A. and Foreign services,
we use our U.S.A. Registered Service Mark.



What do you propose?

Our Henry is a purveyor of
military technology services.

Our Henry assigns work to others that choose
employment with us.
_ He provides a very reliable
interface to projects that require high U.S.A. security
_ He has personal history that supports
adversarial relations with Foreign and U.S.A. entities.

Our policy is to NOT demonstrate fear or favor.

He and we are NOT all goodness and light.

He and we are still good people.


Appeasement emboldens adversaries.

It is your deeds that really count.

We can probably help you.

Bring us in.


We Advise Political Matters.

We Advise Security Operations.

We Advise Combat Engineering.

We Advise Business Operations.

We Advise Aerospace Engineering.

We Advise Manufacturing Engineering.


At any specific time.

Our Henry, his actual level of legal formal
U.S.A. Security Clearance will usually depend
on his then-current employment affiliation duties.


We are Responsible and Accountable.

We are at our best when we stir the pot and
bring out of your existing others that which
their current management usually stifles.

Then, perhaps you would want us to remain
and administrate some or all participants.

Proper Management of your Project can be
our Responsibility and our Accountability.

It is our duty to properly complete our
job and take ownership of the result.


Bring us in.

bring us in dot com


Made in U.S.A.

We are NOT an Equal Opportunity Employer.

We do what is best for us and our community.

To provide appropriate security clearance and
job skills, we use employers of convenience to
legally employ people and then assign them to us.

For our assigned person, U.S.A. security clearance will be
earned and real and appropriate for the job to be done, and
you will contact Your Appropriate U.S.A. Authority to verify it.

People we assign to work with a client may carry our photo ID
which may carry a name we invent for the purpose.
_ We may
inform your senior security or leadership of our subterfuge.

We help entrap and devastate Criminal Enterprise,
that Criminal Enterprise could be a Government,
which could be Foreign or part of our U.S.A.

We reliably do what has to be done.

(SM) (C) HS

This QR will validate and load
our ISBN page from our server.

This is our Brochure, it is long and not focused.

This Web page is simple text and simple graphics,
it works properly with old browsers on old computers,
JavaScript support for proper operation is NOT required.


Bring us in and use us properly
and every one will benefit.

We find and solve business
and technical problems, and try to
protect and enhance our U.S.A. republic.

This is our full Brochure on-line,
it is long and not focused.

To support our ads when we advertise, we create
short focused Web pages with unique names.


2023 Political
Public Domain

Our America U.S.A.
culture is based on trust.

Some people are held in great respect
because they represent very-high authority.

That authority alone does NOT qualify them to
lead others if primary values they represent
are destructive of the common-good.


Our Henry learned long-ago that to change
some thing bad he must become part of it.

Our Henry can now see how bad things happen
so easily in his U.S.A. political environments.

We help entrap and devastate Criminal Enterprise,
that Criminal Enterprise could be a Government,
we make no deals and recognize no hostages.


As a Business Consultancy,
we solve problems and we keep
our mouths shut after the fact.

We are a Business Consultancy, now
also engaged in Political Activity.

As a Political Consultancy, we simply advise
and we keep our mouths shut after the fact.


We Advise Political Matters.

We Advise Security Operations.

We Advise Combat Engineering.

We Advise Business Operations.

We Advise Aerospace Engineering.

We Advise Manufacturing Engineering.


For all our U.S.A. and Foreign services,
we use our U.S.A. Registered Service Mark.


We can reliably provide services
on or around planet Earth.

We are in Boston U.S.A.

New York time zone.


Our Owner, our Henry, is next to
Boston U.S.A., in Brookline 02446.

It is usual for him to quietly share operational
responsibility with friends not identified here.

His friends help him because they see
he reliably acts for the common-good.

Those friends, seen or not, count a lot;
some are not kind and are very brutal.

His policy is; they will remain un-identified and
will silently administrate us all, if he is made
permanently not-able to administrate us.


We are who and what we are because
of values we permit to influence us.

To properly do our kind of work, our values make us
much-better than most-alternatives available to you.


Our Henry is dedicated to helping us reliably
provide superior support to clients and others.

His is a deep responsibility he can not fully-share;
we expect good people will die so others may live.


Our Henry is not very religious, but
he can see what all humans need.

He knows; we live at a time when there are
still important things for us to accomplish.

He knows; we and our U.S.A. have attitude and
experience to see all things are possible if we
choose to accept the challenge to make it so.

He knows; and he very-strongly honors values
which all healthy religions have in common.


To allow our Henry to fully participate in some
activities mentioned on this Web page,
he earned required very-high
U.S.A. security clearance.

His current U.S.A. security credentials should not
limit your un-inhibited private face-to-face at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.


Our owner is our Henry.

His full legal name since birth is "Henry Swerdloff".

He is a legal formal "partner" of InfraGard (R)(SM)(FBI).

InfraGard (R)(SM)(FBI) is a non-political part of our F.B.I.

His InfraGard (R) identity number is "10121788".

His InfraGard (R) group identity is "InfraGard-Boston".

InfraGard (R) public documentation
call those with his status a "partner".

Since his InfraGard (R) describe him as being their "partner",
he volunteered to be available to be a Boston InfraGard (R)
elected Board Member with good Boston experience.
_ He also
volunteered to educate and administrate Boston InfraGard (R)
similar to when he was Boston Pinkerton (SM) employee 200487.

His Pinkerton (SM) provides top-quality investigation and security.

In 1999, when Securitas AB (SM) acquired all of Pinkerton (SM),
he remained with Securitas AB (SM) as employee 200487.

Much more InfraGard (R) related
info is far below on this page.


This Brochure was Edited 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

Henry Swerdloff is its Editor and our Proprietor.

Our Henry is sincere, but he is often ignorant.

It is common for us to try to educate our Henry as
to the true facts of life.
_ He often frustrates
us because he is often too respectful and
too kind to those that wish us harm.



We are the "Land of the Free".

Our some times politically-corrupt
republic actually does work as it should.

U.S.A. Citizens of each of our 50 independent
states can change those that govern each state,
and change those that represent them in our republic.


Our U.S.A.

Truth, Justice, Right.

Our culture was British,
of which we were a Colony.

After 1776 we evolved to be
the "Land of Hope and Glory".

We are responsible for our future.

"Never shall we a slave be."



Our 1776 heritage.

Our heritage is part of
our early British culture.

Our attitude was described
in a popular British 1740
musical "Rule Britannia".

Words and music by
Thomas Arne in 1740
are now Public Domain.

When Britain first, at Heaven's command
Arose from out the azure main;
This was the charter of the land,
And guardian angels sang this strain:
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

The nations, not so blest as thee,
Must, in their turns, to tyrants fall;
While thou shalt flourish great and free,
The dread and envy of them all.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Thee haughty tyrants ne'er shall tame:
All their attempts to bend thee down,
Will but arouse thy generous flame;
But work their woe, and thy renown.
"Rule, Britannia! rule the waves:
"Britons never will be slaves."

Our U.S.A. 1776 heritage.


Henry Swerdloff of Boston U.S.A. is our Owner.

Our Henry is a reliable very-honest ethical
respectful nice guy with no bad history.

In his world, social people consider him boring and
people he works with often find him very-exciting.

To allow him to fully participate in some
activities mentioned on this Web page,
he earned required very-high
U.S.A. security clearance.


If your company or operation is legitimate and
a quick drive from his Boston U.S.A., you can
hire him for one U.S.A. Dollar for the first year.

If our owner chooses to provide services him self,
he will NOT bill you for those services.
_ You decide
for your self the value of any services provided by
our owner and reward him in a way YOU decide.

To make his continuing participation more probable,
you may contract his personal services
for one year for one U.S.A. Dollar.

If you find his continued fine personal participation is a
true benefit to you, we expect you or your operation
to reward him in a way or amount you choose.

Directly below, we describe his current personal
bank account, it is with the same physical local bank
branch he has used for that purpose since 1972.

Unlike many, he enjoys paying his taxes
because he knows it is another way of his
supporting his loved messy U.S.A. republic.


We Serve Foreign and Domestic.

For quick best recognition of ultimate responsibility,
and for best freedom and protection under law,
and for best U.S.A. legal and tax purposes,
we are an un-incorporated Business,
we are a U.S.A. Sole Proprietorship,
our Owner is our Henry Swerdloff.

We are a business-to-business operation.

If we bill you, we bill in U.S.A. Dollars.

Different national groups prefer to submit
their business payments in different ways.

We no longer accept credit cards or debit
cards or paper checks or physical currency.

We no longer barter our services for your services.

Thank You.


Payment Methods.

Each of the 4 methods which follow, will put your money
directly in our Owner's "Henry Swerdloff" bank account.

Use Wire or Paper or Electronics to Transfer
money only in to his personal bank account, by using
only his Personal
Account Number >466002860769<.
This personal number does NOT change.

> If you intend Wire Transfer of money to go only to him,
use this
Bank Routing Number _026009593_.

> If you intend Paper or Electronic Transfer of money to go
only to him, use this Bank
Routing Number _011000138_.

The above bank information describes our Henry's personal
bank account, it is with the same physical local bank
branch he has used for that purpose since 1972.

The more modern method which follows, puts your money
directly in the same "Henry Swerdloff" bank account,
it uses a Payment service named Zelle (R).

If you use Zelle (R) to deposit money into
our "Henry Swerdloff" bank account, use this
specific E-Mail address as our Zelle (R) account ID:



This very-old E-Mail address
is still used by Henry.

Thank You.



With clean hands.

Our Henry assigns work to others that choose
employment with us.
_ He provides a very reliable
interface to projects that require high U.S.A. security
_ He has personal history that supports
adversarial relations with Foreign and U.S.A. entities.

His hands are clean and will remain clean.

Our Henry is deeply-involved helping healthy change
to our current not-healthy U.S.A. political culture.

Being involved, he can now see how bad things can
happen so easily in our political environments.



We are a Business and Technology Consultancy with a
strong emphasis on new Weapon System Engineering.

Our Henry is also affiliated with an organization owned by an
elite U.S.A. federal law enforcement and intelligence entity.

His U.S.A. Security Credentials are influenced by them.

Details of his affiliation with them are public as
is a method to verify his affiliation, it all is
clearly presented far-below on this page.

Also, Henry may be available to
serve you as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international.

Details of his qualifications and experience is public,
and it all is clearly presented far-below on this page.

You will find he and we are very-special.

Thank you.


We deeply understand our business.

Our innovative approach and risk management
could help make your honest venture a success.

We provide our full security consultation and other full services
that properly support some kinds of legitimate very-high-risk
venture capital investment in hostile or corrupt environments.

Unless a client intends our relationship with them to be public,
all our dealings with them will be private.
_ We keep it private
unless our good sense dictates that we notify and partner with
OUR selection of PARTS of U.S.A. constitutional authorities WE
trust, and to partner with ANY other honest authority WE trust.


We and you are responsible
for what comes after us.

We solve problems.

We Advise Political Matters.

We Advise Security Operations.

We Advise Combat Engineering.

We Advise Business Operations.

We Advise Aerospace Engineering.

We Advise Manufacturing Engineering.

Please consider working with us.

We have a deep varied inclusive history.

We are authoritative, but we usually listen to
those we trust and usually follow good advice.

We live at a time when there are still important things
for us to accomplish.
_ Our U.S.A. has the attitude and
experience that all things are possible, if we make it so

Since 2004, this Brochure has
been an honest record of our lives
as we meet our challenges.

In 2004, we intended this record to be a publication
printed on paper, but our history was too dynamic for
static paper to do justice for our subjects and people.

We quickly replaced our passive limited paper-pages with
this too-long not-focused up-to-date dynamic Web page.

We hope this page will help enhance your broad education.

We live at a time when there are still important things
for us to accomplish.
_ Our U.S.A. has the attitude and
experience that all things are possible, if we make it so

Our Henry.

Our Henry assigns work to others that choose employment
with us. _ He provides a very reliable interface to projects
that require high U.S.A. security clearance.
_ He has long
personal history that supports brutal adversarial relations
with Foreign and U.S.A. entities that with malice try to
destroy our America U.S.A. social fabric and economy.

His communication style is
straight and direct and clean.

His personal-life and his
way-of-business is clean.

His hands are clean
and will remain clean.

Henry has many more years before his physical life will fail.

He knows, because of what has been demonstrated to him,
and because of what he has been helped to participate in.

He knows, after his physical life fails he will have an infinite
period for him, along with others he has learned to trust,
that he and they can continue to influence events.

This has nothing to do with any formal religion.

You have equal opportunity to do similar if you desire.

Live your life for good or bad or not, no one can stop you.

Our company

Our company and its owner are made in America U.S.A.
Our primary address is in Brookline 02446 U.S.A.

Our primary address is next to Boston U.S.A.
Boston U.S.A. time zone is same as New York.

This Brochure is an international publication.
This publication uses international UTC time.

Edited on 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.


Made in U.S.A.

We have very-deep roots.

We Serve Foreign and Domestic.

For quick best recognition of ultimate responsibility,
and for best freedom and protection under law,
and for best U.S.A. legal and tax purposes,
we are an un-incorporated Business,
we are a U.S.A. Sole Proprietorship,
our Owner is our Henry Swerdloff.


Our U.S.A. Public Media.


Our best U.S.A. Political Education has always
been from a zealous corruption-free public media.

Our U.S.A. voting public will usually make
very-good choices if and when our best
public media choose to properly do
their jobs without fear or favor.

Our U.S.A. has the health and time and treasure
and position and attitude to change the world for
the better, but our U.S.A. public media will have to
do their very-difficult job properly with no fear or favor.


Our U.S.A. Public Media.

A Grave Responsibility Failed.


Our U.S.A. public media usually fails in their being
honest in meeting their grave-responsibility to ALL
of our republic, by their free-choice to NOT properly
fully-investigate and fully-disclose corrupt practice
and influence that often deeply-injures our republic.

If public media continues to fail to properly-do
their vital job, our United States will also fail.


We try to do the right thing.

It is a point of Honor.


Truth and Justice.

We consider it human.


Where there is error, we bring truth.

Heated conflict can result.

We consider it human.


We are a Business Consultancy, now
also engaged in Political Activity.

As a Business Consultancy,
we solve problems and we keep
our mouths shut after the fact.

As a Political Consultancy, we simply advise
and we keep our mouths shut after the fact.


Politics is War by other means.

We and them, we use War
to achieve a Political end.


When bad times are over,
worse times often start.

Healthy Life will try to go on,
we make sure it does.


We are at war.

We solve problems.


Mainland China people have been trained to think
Taiwan is a legal part of China, a Province of China.

That view is common with Mainland China's Intelligence community,
by their often-hidden-but-respected visitors to this U.S.A. Web page.

We know we have to force severe-conflict with Mainland China to force
the absolute-end of deadly threats against our Taiwan and her friends.


We have been here before with other deadly adversaries,
some times the human cost for them and us is very-high.

For most of us America U.S.A. people, we believe we are saving
ordinary Mainland China people from persecution and slavery.


We are at war.

We have a job to do.

Join us, or step aside.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)


Business and Process.

Finance, Administrate, Design,
Certify, Market, Manufacture.

Weapon System Technology.

We Enhance and Protect
your project and people.


We continue to provide our reliable
foreign and domestic services.

We are from a different time,
when Russia and her Soviet Union
was our very-worthy lethal adversary.

We are still at war, now with different
foreign and domestic adversaries.

We continue to take deep-risk
and properly do our job.


In U.S.A., the ONLY valid descriptions and rules that define ALL
our governments, are our Declaration of Independence, and our
Federal Constitution, and our 50 individual State Constitutions
if the state constitution is not against our federal constitution.

Our U.S.A. law and tradition makes YOU the Final-Authority as
to what YOUR personal-religion is, if any, or as to what YOUR
sincere-conviction is, if any.
_ YOU define it, NOT government.

By U.S.A. law and tradition, government exists ONLY for YOUR
ultimate benefit, NOT for government's pleasure or abuse.

YOU define the ultimate benefit, NOT government.

YOU have the power of your free Vote.

YOU have a voice.

Use it.


If you are a U.S.A. Citizen,
you have a job to do.

Because You Must Learn TRUTH about issues and candidates, you
must FORCE public media to properly and honestly educate you.

If public media FAILS to honestly TRY to properly and honestly educate
you, YOU MUST make them suffer-greatly for destroying OUR republic.

Your JOB as a U.S.A. citizen is your responsibility to FORCE public
media to properly and honestly TRY to educate you and others.


Our earned reputation reflects
our strength and honor.

(SM) (C) HS (SM) (C) HS

Our public face is our
Owner, Henry Swerdloff.

Our company actions reliably
reflect his personal heritage.


Since 1956.


1956 to 1964 To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R". Public Domain

(SM) Photo Copyright (C) Henry Swerdloff

In 1956, our Henry joined his
U.S. Army to save the world.

He is still doing similar.


We Advise Political Matters.

We Advise Security Operations.

We Advise Combat Engineering.

We Advise Business Operations.

We Advise Aerospace Engineering.

We Advise Manufacturing Engineering.

Please consider
working with us.


We are U.S.A.

Truth, Justice, Right.

Similar to those that came before us.
Similar to those that are now with us.
Similar to those that will come after us.

" Yesterday, Today and Forever. "
The Bible, King James Version,
Hebrews 13:8, Public Domain.

We are U.S.A.


USA ARNG MA 1775 Massachusetts 1775

His state military crest from his early British Massachusetts.

"By the sword we seek peace, but peace only under liberty."

In 1956, Henry was part of a group of similar young Army people.

In 1956, U.S.A. combat flags of his group were on permanent display
in a very-special part of his Boston Massachusetts U.S.A. state house.

All were standing next to and in sight of U.S.A. battle flags
that were carried in historic battles by people such as he.

He was in his dress uniform of dark Olive Drab colored wool,
with its bright First Army patch on its left sleeve.

With his group, he sincerely accepted his personal
responsibility to Protect our U.S.A. Constitution
"against All Enemies, Foreign and Domestic".


In 1956, he sincerely believed he could contribute
greatly to the survival of our civilization.

In 2023, he still sincerely believes, and he conducts
him self in an appropriate way to make it possible.


We are his company.

We reliably follow his example.

We are available in Foreign and U.S.A.

We usually play nice with strange others.

We take deep-risk and properly do our job.

We try to never abuse our privileged-position.

We reliably support legitimate venture capital
investment in environments of high-risk.


As we see it, every one has to win,
except bad guys that do not repent.

Even bad guys can win if they gain wisdom,
with new wisdom they should stop being bad,
if they do not stop we will help end the problem.

We solve problems and we know how to
keep our mouths shut after the fact.


Some U.S.A. leaders, now serving in our U.S.A.
Congress, we recently elected some of them.

When dealing with current U.S.A. adversaries, most
U.S.A. leaders appear not-smart or not-interested.


Afghanistan is a country in South Asia.

For 20 years, their nationals helped
our U.S.A. when we needed them.

We educated-and-trained Afghan military
to properly work with our U.S.A., and
to fully serve-all and share-all
for the common-good.

We counted on them,
they counted on us.

We invested in them,
they invested in us.

We took deep-risks with them,
they took deep-risks with us.

Now, we are abandoning almost all of them.


Those that greatly-risked to help us, we now
have a sacred obligation to help them.

Afghan nationals that helped us, and any Afghan
that loves them, risk being tortured and executed
by the Taliban that now administrates Afghanistan.

Some deeply-risked their lives and Afghan families to
work with us, and they trusted us to relocate them.

Most of them, and their children,
would make excellent U.S.A. citizens.


It is now 16 September 2023, and we are still waiting for
our U.S.A. government to act in a responsible way.

Since August 2021, with the knowledge of some leaders
now serving in our U.S.A. Congress, our citizens, and
others that love them or risked greatly for them, are
still trapped in Afghanistan waiting to be relocated.

Since August 2021, it appears the majority political
party serving in our U.S.A. Congress has NOT yet
made a high-priority of the safety and relocation
of our ordinary current U.S.A. citizens in a new
hostile abusive Taliban-controlled Afghanistan.

It is now 16 September 2023, and we are still waiting for
our U.S.A. government to act in a responsible way.


U.S.A. Security Credentials.

Our owner and boss is Henry Swerdloff.

Henry earned trust, and he earned very-high
U.S.A. security clearance when required.

His current U.S.A. security credentials should not
limit your un-inhibited private face-to-face at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.

He is affiliated with an organization
owned by an elite U.S.A. federal law
enforcement and intelligence entity.

Details of his affiliation are public as is
a method to verify his affiliation, it all is
clearly presented far-below on this page.

You will find he is very-special.

Also, Henry may be available to
serve you as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international.

Details of his qualifications and experience are public,
and it all is clearly presented far-below on this page.


We are U.S.A. and mostly-trusted.

We can help your Legitimate Business.

We help identify and eliminate problems.


We usually work with no restrictions.

We are not sloppy in our activity.


We are not all goodness and light.

We usually play by the rules.


We try to live and let live.

We try to educate bullies.

We find shame works,
but if it does not work,
we know intimidation will.

We usually succeed. _ If not,
then we give permission
to remove the problem
as deeply as required.

Then, we live and let live.


In the world as we find it.

We work with clients to shape
them to save life and limit damage.

Real life is not always goodness and light.

Services may have to be brutal and primitive.

We do what we have to do.


We are Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry.

We are Business Management
Consultation and Services.


R) (SM)
Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM)

Henry Swerdloff is our Owner and Boss.

Henry can reliably do interesting things
because his long history supports it.


Henry would usually learn the
reasons why he would fail.

He evolved, then if he failed it usually
was in different ways, eventually
he ran out of ways to fail.

Henry has some college,
he attended night classes for
many years while working full-time.

Henry never was an elite gifted student,
he had to work very-hard for all he learned.

Failure of his formal education was frequent.

Henry learned to be kind and considerate and
respectful and generous through examples
shown to him by his family and many others.

Henry has life experience which includes
trusted personal relationships, and military,
and industry, and management, and . . . .

Those who know him best, trust him
to do his job fully and properly, and
they also know he is very-reliable.

His history demonstrates very-high
U.S.A. security clearance while
doing interesting things.


I am Henry.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

I am a failed-artist and a failed-engineer.

Almost a half-century ago, I was a self-employed self-funded
U.S.A. Massachusetts-Licensed Real Estate Broker, and
I did other non-related things at that same time.

As an independent Licensed Broker I specialized in
commercial-industrial properties, nothing else.

I eventually realized investors which pay for projects do NOT
usually see a project as being part of a much-larger healthy
community, they usually only see it as money profit-or-loss.

Today, no longer acting as a Broker, I try to influence
Real Estate project results by supporting legitimate
high-risk, high-reward, venture capital investment.

This Web page mostly covers my current on-going projects
in technology and military and security and un-related stuff.

(SM) (C) Susan M. Aucoin.
(SM) (C) Susan M. Aucoin.

Her name is Susan M. Aucoin.

She is the founder of this company.

My Susan, my full partner in life and business, she died
in 2016 and I deeply-miss our committed relationship.

Over many years, I learned to greatly respect her and
her way of sharing her special-self with the world.

While I would usually pretend to be the great-one, she, with
great tolerance for my limitations, would usually demonstrate
fuller true-wisdom and a much-greater inner-strength than me.

I deeply-desire to have a similar appropriate
relationship and be permanently married.

I have NO interest in typical social dating.

I deeply desire to develop a very close personal
relationship based on mutual respect and trust.

I see marriage as a special complementary bond,
which is good if your choice of partner is good.

I push the idea of marriage because I gravitate strongly
towards a woman that tries to make a better world by
being involved with projects that advance certain goals.

I deeply wish to share my authority in my business and in
my personal activities, with a woman that I expect will be
found acceptable by the people that provide their good deep
strong service to my business and to my personal activities.

With my being with my Susan, I have learned to
enjoy and greatly value that kind of relationship.

I am not very religious and I do not practice in a formal way,
I see and honor that which all healthy religions have in common.

If you are appropriate for me and find me attractive,
I hope you will find the courage to message me.

Henry Swerdloff


Our Services.

One Simple Example.

Our wide services include rigorous review and
management of enterprise physical-security of
critical-manufacturing, and management of timely
development of military weapon system technology.

First, we help you enhance definition of your
project to better identify your ultimate goal.

Then, we help you correctly identify and select
and use people and tools to properly do the job.

Then, if appropriate, we help you properly market and
support and protect the result of the properly done job.

Our services are available to you world-wide.


Linkedin (R)


(C) iofoto (SM) HS

We are fully-licensed to modify and publish this photo,
this Copyright (C) iofoto-Fotolia as our (SM) HS photo.

We used this photo when our Susan M. Aucoin administrated
our for-profit medical services enhancement activities.


Our Henry has deep heritage optimized to help
Design Build Deliver Protect tools for warfare.

Our Henry learned a lot from his sharing of our
Susan M. Aucoin administration of her services,
and our Henry still has much-more to learn.

Our Henry has evolved to accept the current necessity
of us providing our expertise in microbe warfare.

He knows how EASY it is to DESTROY civilization.

He knows how HARD it is to PROTECT civilization.

_ He also knows Politics is War by other means. _

_ Work with us. _

_ Join with us. _

_ Please. _


Linkedin (R)


(C) iofoto (SM) HS

This is our Group.

Microbe Warfare Group.

This includes chemical warfare.


Please keep in mind we are now at war,
but for now it is mostly a cold-war.

Your posts to this group requires our approval
before they can become visible to others.


Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)


Linkedin (R)


(C) iofoto (SM) HS

To Visit the Linkedin (R) Profile of our Henry.

Copy and Paste this address:

To Visit his Linkedin (R) Microbe Warfare Group.

Copy and Paste this address:


Linkedin (R)


(C) iofoto (SM) HS

Microbe Warfare Group.

This includes chemical warfare.


Our Purpose.

We are in America U.S.A., in its North East,
in the 6 state region we call New England.

We are in and around its City of Boston, in the
epicenter of biotech and life sciences on planet Earth.

We are mostly a profit-based group designed to work
with and provide services to friendly military and
industrial and business entities world-wide.


We work to assure domination of an attitude to
promote progressive healthy-minded policy
to assure that humanity will thrive after
expected brutal un-inhibited warfare.

War is not a demonstration of religious-zeal
or an intellectual-exercise, it is messy-death
and permanent-destroyer of personal-worlds.

For us, when we engage in this kind of war, we must
win because if we fail then our civilization will end.


Microbe Warfare Policy.

We are U.S.A. Truth, Justice, Right.

Our company Policy is to ensure that humanity will thrive after any
un-inhibited war.
_ We do this by helping our U.S.A. to use a strong
realistic enforcement policy against others that use microbes for war.

Legal or Not, our U.S.A. policy is or should-be for us to
wage war to remove governments that start wars or
fail-to-remove entities they-support that start wars.

Microbes could be a best choice for un-inhibited
low-cost perfectly-effective easily-deliverable
war, it is perfect against any-group any-time.


We each contribute
in our own way.

When we have visitors,
some join this group.

That visitor may simply wish
to find joy in tormenting us.

That visitor may be warm and kind and gentle,
but that visitor can also represent a hostile
evil government and hostile evil others.

It is best for all of us and our compromised republic,
that you stay deeply-suspicious of every participant in
this Group.
_ Some people that post in this Group may
be true experts, but they also may be playing games.


For safety, this Group or any of its participants
should NOT be singled-out or quoted by
others as being able to provide fact.

For safety, what you find expressed here
must be considered Opinion, Not Fact.


Knowledge is power
and we are at war.

We know how easy it is to control a civilization.

To reliably control any country, reliably create crisis
then reliably solve the problems that crisis creates.

To control planet Earth, reliably create and
deliver deadly-infections and reliable-cures.


Linkedin (R)


(C) iofoto (SM) HS


Rules for this
Linkedin.com group.

Microbe Warfare Group.

This includes chemical warfare.



We each contribute
in our own way.

We expect forceful passionate presentation in your
advocacy and in defense of any advocacy, but,
we require you to play nice and get-along well
with others, and to pick-up your toys after you
are done and not leave a mess, or we dump you.

If we dump you and any other, it is our policy
that no harm will come to you and them.

We leave you and them in peace, and
expect others to follow our example.

All Life has to continue, with
Liberty and Justice for All.



Submissions to this group require our approval
before we allow it to become visible to others.

Expect others more-qualified than our reviewers to
exam your submission before we make it visible.


Our reviewers must have
current U.S.A. Security Credentials.

Our Henry earned very-high U.S.A.
security clearance when required.

His current U.S.A. security credentials should not
limit your un-inhibited private face-to-face at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.


Those we share our review responsibilities with
may not be adequately qualified to understand
implications of your intellectual contributions.

You may have learned to trust us and you may
want other reviewers to be kept ignorant.

It is probable we can not always
understand your knowledge.

For some limited reasons, it may be appropriate
for us to go outside of our limited group
and seek appropriate technical help.


This is a public place and we are at war,
and you and we have to limit disclosure.


Microbe Warfare is a very-big deal.

We Must Demonstrate Restraint.

This Web page has visitors.

Some represent hostile governments.


Please keep in mind we are now at war,
but for now it is mostly a cold-war.

We do what we must.

It is normal for direct employees of
the Government of Mainland China,
which includes their military,
to visit this Web page at any time.

They also openly visit other sites to
access our interests and capabilities.

Some times they choose to not-hide
the servers they use for access, then
they could be marked with a red-flag.

China Government can only be CCP.

China Military can be PLA or CPLA.


We share our U.S.A. experience
in an open way with no fear.

It is our visitor's CCP political
leadership that worries us.

Their CCP political party
is our adversary.


They are not good neighbors.

They are abusive to their people.

We know how to reliably change the
CCP Government of Mainland China.

We expect their military to remove
their CCP national government
and install civilian leaders.


It is normal for our U.S.A. to change
its government leaders and policies.

After we change our current mis-guided U.S.A. leaders,
we expect to force your PLA and CCP leaders to change.


You decide what to change,
then do what is best for all.

If CCP does not change for the better for all,
our U.S.A. along with others will be ruthless
in our actions against PLA and CCP leaders.

We, with our partners, we have attitude
and power to do it, and you know we will.

Expect us to split Mainland China into
6 or 7 or 8 countries, each with an
independent government and military.

One government for one region,
based on culture or language.


Because of the work we do, some foreign intelligence
people are required to read this brochure in English.

Their reading of this brochure, with its original content
in its original form, provides good opportunity for us
to influence their intelligence community readers.


People usually talk with their peers about the work they do.

People usually chat face-to-face with others with
the same job and the same security-clearance.

They compare information and they educate each other.

Leaders are usually informed of any interesting chatter.

Those leaders usually have un-censored Internet.

To protect their position, leaders visit the on-line source
to witness how it corrupts the purity of their staff.

Those leaders follow their nose
and they eventually visit us,
and we contaminate them.

Those leaders develop their own opinion, and when
they share that opinion they contaminate others.

We expect truth will eventually
damage the CCP government.


CCP government treats their people badly.

We find CCP is our adversary.

We do what we must.

Subtitle: _ Our company Brochure, an honest record.
Book Category: _ True Crime > Organized Crime
ISBN _ 13:9780692131701
Publication Year: _ 2021


We are the good guys.

Our U.S.A. Media provides
our political education.

We find too-often our U.S.A. media choose to
fail to fully and truthfully educate our public.


Public Domain.
Public Domain


1775 Political
Public Domain

This is our 1775 united British colony flag.

Then in 1776 we changed our flag.

Then, over many years, by our
example and effort and blood,
we helped change the world
for a greater good for all.

2023 Political
Public Domain

This is our flag today.

We intend to keep it.


" Yesterday, Today and Forever. "
The Bible, King James Version,
Hebrews 13:8, Public Domain.


This page originated July 4, 2004.

In 2004, our July 4 start-up is the 1776 date of
birth of our republic, when 13 very-frustrated
British colony states became our U.S.A.,
and then we had to fight to keep her.

And today as in 1776, adversaries
are both foreign and domestic,
and we may have voted
for some of them.


We usually play by the rules.

Truth and Justice is
our Strong Tradition.

We try to protect and
enhance our U.S.A.

To properly administrate our republic,
we need our very-free U.S.A. media.

As in 1776, our U.S.A. media
will report absolute truth,
or ignore it, or invent it.

The very-frustrating continuing willful failures of
our U.S.A. media could be deadly to civilization.

We find too-often our U.S.A. media choose to
fail to fully and truthfully educate our public.

We need media to help us make our best decisions
as to the best direction our civilization can follow.

We need media to help us accurately identify the
best-people for us to vote into power, to assist
us in our difficult-often-deadly historic journey.


Made in U.S.A.

All of us,
we live and learn.

We build on our owner's
demonstrated personal history.

Some times we are not very-smart,
but usually we can be very-clever.

We enjoy a broad inclusive non-expert history.

We can perfectly support legitimate high risk,
high reward, venture capital investment.

We provide advice in Business Operations,
Aerospace Engineering, Combat Engineering,
Manufacturing Engineering, Security Operations.





The current U.S.A. security credentials of
our owner should not limit you or any of your
associates' un-inhibited private face-to-face
communication with him at any required
security level in any appropriate facility.

Because of our owner's influence,
our roots are strong and deep.

We will usually see and
solve the problem.


Mosaic Warfare dot com (SM)

USA Microbe Warfare dot com (SM)


Our Boston U.S.A. is epicenter
of biotech and life sciences.

We are part of our military and civilian reality.

Our primary job is to make sure that life goes on.

Military and Civilian, all are very-vulnerable.


Bring us in.

We learn about realistic Best Delivery of Microbes.

We learn about realistic Military Detection of Microbes.

We learn about design and use of related technology.

We assist transition from conventional to tomorrow.


Bring us in.

We Advise Political Matters.

We Advise Security Operations.

We Advise Combat Engineering.

We Advise Business Operations.

We Advise Aerospace Engineering.

We Advise Manufacturing Engineering.


Henry Boston USA
dot com (SM)

Rigorous Review dot com (SM)


USA War Fighter
dot TW (SM)

This relates to Taiwan.

We use our skill to properly
support those we care about.

With our sincere respect for
our independent Taiwan,
we share what we can,
in the way we can,
when we can.


Bring us in.

We are not all
goodness and light.

We can help you and your
Legitimate Business.


Henry Swerdloff & Associates (SM)

Our U.S.A. Registered Service Mark:
Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)




Rigorous Review (SM)

(SM) Swerdloff & Associates (SM)

(SM) Henry Swerdloff & Associates (SM)

Our America U.S.A.
culture is based on trust.

We trust until we
can no longer trust.


We can provide education and tools and
our fine example of proper behavior.

This is a long Brochure of
some of our activities.

We can provide some
services world-wide.

Learn about us,
take your time,
enjoy the trip.


We are the good guys.

We are at our best when we stir the pot and
bring out of your existing others that which
their current management usually stifles.

Then, perhaps you would want us to remain
and administrate some or all participants.




Our Henry is our
owner and boss.

He has good history.

He was made in our U.S.A.

Our company had its early foundation at
the time of his U.S.A. military participation.

That foundation was built on the ambitions of a
quiet child that struggled to be all that he can be.

His good fortune was that he was born in his
Boston U.S.A., a part of a free nation which
encouraged healthy human development for all.

He also had parents and other family, all of
which evolved from deep-poverty at a time
of NO social welfare protection programs.

They demonstrated their love and wisdom
by encouraging his difficult development
while ignoring his many deep failures.

As his parents and their parents evolved, they
took care to explain and demonstrate parts of
their evolving heritage of struggle, from their
very early roots to their then-current U.S.A.

Those earlier roots included some nations
in Europe that would follow their national
tradition and exterminate his relatives,
an action usually supported by their citizens.

In his America U.S.A., he and his wide extended
family usually thrived because of America U.S.A.
deep traditions of being honest and fair and true to all.

He learned that for us to keep our freedoms,
it will require our healthy talented citizens
to take deep-risk and become involved.

He understood what was required of him.

Our quiet Henry volunteered to be a soldier
at a time of a grave national emergency.

This was his way of supporting values of those
that came before him that made our republic
possible, and his way of showing appreciation
for those that still try to keep it as it should be.

I know all this is true because I know him, and
I was there and deeply involved the whole time.

Henry Swerdloff


(SM) (C) HS

This QR validates then loads ISBN page from our server.

_ This QR Code graphic Validates then Loads
_ our current ISBN Registered Brochure.


(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

He is our Henry. _ He is our Owner.

It is vital to his self-esteem that your
experience with us be very-good.

His history demonstrates he is very reliable.

His history demonstrates very high
U.S.A. security clearance while
doing interesting things.




Board Member.

Our Owner, our Henry,
may also be available to
serve as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international.

Most Board related info is close-below, some
info about his early Board experience is far-below.


Our Company.

We play nice and we do good things,
and we usually do our job properly.

It is valid to think of us as being soldiers that
parachute in to an enemy area to correctly
identify and enforce the common-good.

If we should take a captive,
one or many of any description,
we would try to treat them as we
would an honored guest in our house,
and then sincerely hope they reciprocate.

Our captive or not, good or bad,
people are still people.


This Critical Time.

We expect to continue our very-strong support
to protect and enhance our vulnerable U.S.A.

We Live and We See and We Learn.

In our world, at this time, we see
our political action is required.

We see we have a job to do,
we are going to do that job.

Join us, or step aside.


Our World View.

We Serve Foreign and Domestic.

Our Henry experienced, honest people of
high honor could come from cultures that
appear to represent triumph of evil over good.

Our Henry learned to have international ambitions
when, as part of his normal employment, he U.S.A.
trained and worked closely with and administrated
such healthy-minded persons of excellent-attitude.

Our Henry discovered his acceptance of those persons
had little to do with their high academic qualifications,
it had to do with their personal values and attitude.


Help Wanted.

Partners Wanted.

We and our U.S.A. strongly need
non-corrupt help and partners.

U.S.A. citizenship
may NOT be required.

Please work for us.




Our Owner.

Our Henry is a reliable very-honest ethical
respectful nice guy with no bad history.

In his world, social people consider him boring and
people he works with often find him very-exciting.


To do nothing is wrong.

Some Foreign and U.S.A.
leaders of government.

We educate some foreign and U.S.A. leaders that
direct and administrate with a wisdom that forces
ordinary people to have and accept a miserable life.

Healthy logic will not work to change such a leader.

We help enhance civilization by doing all we can do,
usually by helping to place that leader in a position
which removes all coersive power from that leader.

We know people do evolve and we try to help them,
but we know some times the danger they present
is so great we choose not to notice the method
used when others act to eliminate the problem.

To do nothing is wrong.



Economic crime has
resulted against our Henry.

He knows it is part of the price he
must pay to do this part of his job.

Good or bad, all life must go on.

His policy is to live and let live.


We have work to do.

We know some of our U.S.A. historic values
have been made subordinate to values
demonstrated by Mainland China.

Some of our Domestic U.S.A. Education and Business and
Political Leaders, with their Socialist Marxist Mainland
China Communism.
_ They see us as being fools
because we try to educate them.
_ They tell us
they are really being very-smart because of the
very-substantial rewards and help they receive.


We reach appropriate people.

We FIND we are in a good position to influence
some attitudes perpetrated by some leaders
of their CCP Mainland China Communism.

We FIND their CCP foreign intelligence community is a
good vehicle to actually influence some CCP leaders.

These special people have un-censored Internet access.

In their very-competent foreign intelligence
community, some technical jobs require
them to deeply read this long brochure
because of the kind of work we do.

Their reading us provides us good opportunity
to influence them with easily verifiable truth.

Every Mainland China Leader, of any description we know,
has agreed in a most-sincere public way, to support and
protect their ONE political party, their CCP, which is
their ONLY national and local government we know.

Other Mainland China Governments MAY exist, but
they are NOT public and we do NOT know of them.

In a country in which ambitious people are persecuted,
hidden-political-parties and hidden-governments form.

We know of NO LEADER in China which has publicly sworn
loyalty to their country as a whole.
_ ALL sworn loyalty is for
their CCP political party, NONE is for their ordinary people.

Their Military, their PLA or CPLA, is sworn to protect ONLY their
CCP political party, with NO mention of their ordinary people.

Many Parts and People of their country are being
treated very-badly by their CCP government.

We EXPECT some CCP leaders are very-strongly
loyal to ALL people of Mainland China, and are
above suspicion by their Law Enforcement.

We EXPECT some will safely form strong private
opinions and will join with safe others to take
great-risk to attempt a single very-dangerous
very-beneficial change FOR their country.

We EXPECT our U.S.A government will
ALLOW us to help facilitate such change.

We have a job to do, and we
strongly wish to do it properly.


About us.

With our power
comes our responsibility.

We lead others by our example.

We demonstrate healthy behaviors any
adversary could adopt for any people,
gifted or not, theirs or ours or any.

Our little company, we do the
best we can in our best interest,
and usually we share with others.

We know our U.S.A. is in
domestic political strife
and she needs all the
help she can get.


This full Brochure.

It is dated 16 September 2023.

By design, No menu and No index.

We want you to go deeply into this
brochure and learn about us.

We are worthy of your attention.


We usually play by the rules.

Our way makes it much easier
for private others and their
governments to work with us.


For Us to live Free and Prosper, We try to
Protect our United States Constitution
from Enemies, Foreign and Domestic.

To have the best result for us all,
we will do what we have to do,
in the way it has to be done.

We Live and We Learn.

We reliably do
what has to be done.


This is our Brochure.

We help you Find and Solve your
Business and Technical Problems.

This Brochure is specific to our current inside and
outside of U.S.A. service and employment offers.

This Brochure, a Web page, may supplement or replace
our service and employment Web pages that may have
appeared to those that may have used specific on-line
search criteria, or responded to our on-line ads or mail.


We are Rigorous Review. (SM)

We can reliably provide
our Rigorous Review of some
large facility physical security,
especially of critical-manufacturing.

We can reliably provide
our Rigorous Review and support of
legitimate venture capital investment.

We can reliably provide
our Rigorous Review of design, documentation,
manufacture, of some kinds of physical product.

We can reliably provide our Rigorous Review
and other services, to enhance innovation
and reliability and attainment-of-goals
of U.S.A. war fighters and her allies.


We solve problems and we know how to
keep our mouths shut after the fact.

As we see it, every one has to win,
our efforts demonstrate that fact.


Swerdloff & Associates

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

Since 1975 we have been
at our current address.

We started next to our Boston
at our current Brookline address.

We evolved to provide equal services
with equal reliability and quality
in Connecticut, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island.

We are international in ambition.

We have very-deep roots.

We help you create, protect, grow, preserve,
defend, enhance, your legitimate business.

We treat you fairly and we do our best.

We try to make the result of our activity to be an
enduring positive legacy to posterity, ours and yours.

Our earned reputation reflects
our strength and honor.

(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

Our public face is our
Owner, Henry Swerdloff.

Our company actions reliably
reflect his personal heritage.

His personal BBB (SM) number is also our
company BBB (SM) number: 185590.

Our company also shares
his personal Dun & Bradstreet (SM)
D-U-N-S (SM) number 15-998-9362 (159989362).


Bring us in.

Henry Swerdloff of Boston U.S.A. is our Owner.

If your company or operation is legitimate and
a quick drive from his Boston U.S.A., you can
hire him for one U.S.A. Dollar for the first year.

His current U.S.A. security credentials
should not limit you or any of your associates'
un-inhibited private face-to-face communication at
any required security level in any appropriate facility.

If our owner chooses to provide services him self,
he will NOT bill you for those services.
_ You decide
for your self the value of any services provided by
our owner and reward him in a way YOU decide.


View with different URL.

Described below are URL descriptions.

Each brings you back to this Brochure.

We do NOT always SSL
encrypt this Brochure.

In primitive systems,
SSL gets in the way.


Bring Us In dot com (SM)


USA We Fit In dot com (SM)


USA War Fighter dot TW (SM)

"TW" URL is for Taiwan.


Taiwan is NOT part of
Mainland China.

With our sincere respect for
our independent Taiwan,
we share what we can,
in the way we can,
when we can.

USA Mosaic Warfare dot com (SM)


USA Microbe Warfare dot com (SM)


Henry Boston USA dot com (SM)


Rigorous Review dot com (SM)


Higher Henry dot com (SM)


Hire Henry dot com (SM)






Bring us in.


There are still very-important
things for you and us to do.

We help you find and solve your
ordinary and critical problems
in your legitimate ventures in
Manufacturing and Business.

We are available out of country.

We earned our excellent-reputation.

We represent inclusive civilization.




Swerdloff & Associates

This Web page is our full long
ISBN Registered Brochure.

This Brochure was published 16 September 2023.

"RigorousReview.com" originated July 4, 2004.

In 2004, our July 4 start-up is the 1776 date of the
birth of our republic, when 13 very-frustrated
British colony states became our U.S.A.,
and then we had to fight to keep her,
and today as in 1776 our adversary
is both foreign and domestic.


Public Domain
Public Domain

The 8 year heritage of our
Henry, from 1956 to 1964.

On this page, you can see he still conducts
him self with honor as a U.S.A. soldier.

Our company, the work he and we
do now can be just as deadly.

He and we may be
available to you.




If you experience
Internet Crime
or electronic fraud.

Please Report it
directly to our F.B.I.
at Web address " ic3.gov ".

What can be done
will be done.

Thank you.


Earth-bound terrestrial-humans usually
find very-good reasons to be as they are.

Some times it is better to
change in a healthy way.

Perhaps we can explore
your options together.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

bring us in dot com

Bring us in.


Bring us in.

bring us in dot com

We try to protect and
enhance our U.S.A.

Truth and Justice is
our Strong Tradition.

Our Owner, our Henry, has experience with
Operations of U.S.A. military, and security,
and technology, and manufacturing, and
business, and other legitimate ventures.

His greatest strength is his history
of being deeply-influenced by some
gifted power-respecting others which
tried to educate him, which demonstrated
to him their concern for the common-good.

This helped form his solid foundation
of realistic expectations in Politics and
Business and Technology and Education.

To allow him to fully participate in some
activities mentioned on this Web page;
our Owner, our Henry, earned required
very-high U.S.A. security clearance.

We help you find and solve your
ordinary and critical problems.


Bring us in.

bring us in dot com

Our Henry experienced honest people of
high honor could come from cultures that
appear to represent triumph of evil over good.

Our Henry learned to have international
ambitions when he U.S.A. educated
and trained and administrated
second and third world others
as a part of his employment.


Bring us in.

bring us in dot com

We earned our excellent-reputation.

We have long deep related history.

We are non-elite U.S.A. people.

We know our jobs and we are
very-willing to take high-risk
for the greater-good for all.


Bring us in.

bring us in dot com

Our way makes it much easier
for private others and their
governments to work with us.

For best freedom and protection under law,
we are an un-incorporated Business,
a U.S.A. Sole Proprietorship, our
Owner is our Henry Swerdloff.

His Partner in life and business,
Susan M. Aucoin, died in 2016.

Our U.S.A. Registered Service Mark:
Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM)


Henry is affiliated with an organization
owned by an elite U.S.A. federal law
enforcement and intelligence entity.

His affiliation details are far-below and are
clearly identified, they are easily verified.

Find on this page, the,official description of that
federal entity, we copied it from their Web site.

Also, find on this page, the public Henry ID info you
can use to verify his position with that federal entity.


Bring us in.

As we see it,
every one has to win.

Our efforts demonstrate that fact.


Bring us in.

We play nice and we do good things,
and we usually do our job properly.

Some current popular political adversaries are
gifted U.S.A. elite, which imposed acts on our
healthy progressive society, to force political
goals world history shows is very destructive.

Some of our adversaries are loyal America
U.S.A. elite that try to destroy our freedoms
in support of traditional Karl Marx theology.

Marxist Communism is an organized religion
designed to take the place of other religions.

Karl Marx theology is the state religion of
Mainland China, their CCP strongly supports
the U.S.A. version of their Marxist religion.

Examples of Marxist Communism in old
Stalin's Russia and current Mainland China
demonstrate to us what to expect from
some U.S.A. elite and their supporters.


With our power
comes responsibility.

We do our best to
limit our behavior.

Personal and Corporate behavior of some of our
U.S.A. elite and their supporters, show us they
made a free choice to NOT see and learn from
the failure of Communism of early Russia and
failure of Communism now of Mainland China.

We are not always kind to our U.S.A. popular
elite when they try to destroy us all, but
we still try to help them gain wisdom.

We expect them to feel ashamed of the
great-harm they have done to us all.

We and others are now in the process of
educating them, and we are not kind.

Life for all must go on, those criminals
can be forgiven if they truly repent.

Most of them, even those that are
rich and gifted, they are fools.


Bring us in.

As a result of our actions, we try
to have good benefits for all.

We educate others by our example.

We demonstrate healthy behaviors
any adversary could adopt.


Bring us in.

M) (C) Henry Swerdloff
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

(sm) (C) Henry Swerdloff
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

Our Owner, our Henry,
may also be available to
serve as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international,
extensive details are below.


We solve problems and we know how to
keep our mouths shut after the fact.

We are authoritative, but we usually listen to
those we trust and usually follow good advice.


As a Business Entrepreneur, our Henry is a liberal
thinker with a sense of humor and a kind heart.

His full legal name is Henry Swerdloff, and he
was born in and now lives next to Boston U.S.A.


Rigorous Review dot com (SM)

You are viewing our
full long Brochure.

When we advertise, for our
ads we create short focused
Web pages with unique names.

This Brochure is NOT focused,
there is NO menu or index.


Our Republic, our United States, is based on laws
found in our Federal Constitution, and in laws
found in our separate State Constitutions.

We find and solve business
and technical problems, and try to
protect and enhance our U.S.A. republic.

Our Henry has good history.

He and We accept high-risk and work with Others
that share our strong-support of our Constitution.

They know they can count on him and us.

Those involved with us quickly learn
he and we are obedient to our word.


Our second and third world readers
probably include some our Henry has
U.S.A. trained as part of his employment.

To accomplish our most-difficult ultimate goals,
we learned to have international ambitions and
to be available to foreign nationals off shore.


This is Public.

Henry is affiliated with an organization
owned by an elite U.S.A. federal law
enforcement and intelligence entity.

See the Yellow Box directly below.




This info is Public.


My full legal name is
Henry Swerdloff.

I am personally affiliated with
InfraGard (R) (SM) in Boston U.S.A.

Our InfraGard (R) (SM) is a group owned by our elite
U.S.A. federal law enforcement entity, our "FBI".

"FBI" is "Federal Bureau of Investigation" (FBI).

On this page, we describe "FBI" as F.B.I.

F.B.I. is our U.S.A. primary domestic
intelligence and security service.

Our F.B.I. parent organization is our
U.S.A. "Department of Justice" (DoJ).


My Relationship.

InfraGard / F.B.I.

Description of my relationship
with InfraGard (R) (SM) and our F.B.I.

To describe my relationship,
read this required quote from
docs on their InfraGard (R) (SM) Web site:

" InfraGard is a "partnership" between the FBI and
members of the private sector. The InfraGard program
provides a vehicle for seamless public-private collaboration
with government that expedites the timely exchange of
information and promotes mutual learning opportunities
relevant to the protection of Critical Infrastructure. With
thousands of vetted members nationally, InfraGard's
membership includes business executives, entrepreneurs,
military and government officials, computer professionals,
academia and state and local law enforcement; each
dedicated to contributing industry specific insight
and advancing national security. "


My InfraGard identity.

My name is "Henry Swerdloff".

My identity number is "10121788".

My group identity is "InfraGard-Boston".


Validate my InfraGard status.

It is Your responsibility to
Validate my true status.

Use independent resources
to check with our F.B.I.

You have to trust the method or
person you use to contact our F.B.I.

Henry Swerdloff

Thank you.





Directly Below are Short Limited statements
based on parts of this very-long Brochure.


This is our full Brochure on-line.

Most content below is wide
and will display best on a
typical computer screen.


We are international in ambition.

Since 2004, our Rigorous Review (SM)
primary office has been located next
to Boston U.S.A., in Brookline 02446.

Our Henry closed our additional
Thompson CT facility in 2016,
months after his partner
in life and business,
Susan M. Aucoin, died.

She and he thrived by being
competent and very flexible.

He still misses her very much,
and while she may choose to
continue to participate from
where she is at, he knows
it is very-difficult to do so.


Our little company, we do the
best we can in our best interest,
and usually we share with others.

We know our U.S.A. is in
domestic political strife.

Our U.S.A. still needs
all the help she can get.

Our Henry still has work to do.


Tough and

Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry.

Business Management
Consultation and Services.

Our service offers are
International Class 035
business development
consulting services, or
business management
consulting and advisory
services, or business . . .


Rigorous Review of Business
and Industry is a high-value
Management Consultant.

We are especially good in
difficult security matters.

We are very capable and we
have an excellent attitude.

Industrial Espionage, we
review its risk and probability
and we probably can identify
probable methods and people.


Support of your legitimate
Venture Capital investment.

Rigorous Review of most large
facility Physical Security.

Support of design, manufacture,
documentation, of Technical Product.


We provide our fully rigorous
business and industry services
in Connecticut, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island.

We provide physical security
related consultation and we
collaborate with others to
develop new enterprise to
design and produce new
non-consumer physical
technical product.

We provide help in solving
some development problems
of some non-consumer
technology, and we help in
solving some kinds of
problems with the people that
design or produce or sell or . . .

For some physical product, we
provide in client facility our
proper documentation of its
design and manufacture and
inspection and operation, and
a full rigorous review of its
conformance to best practice
design and manufacture.

We also provide in client
facility our services to help
enhance innovation and
reliability for the tools and
attainment-of-goals of our
America U.S.A. war fighter,
regardless of service branch
or ultimate war fighter partner.


We deeply understand the
complexities of our business.

It is probable our expertise and
innovative approach and risk
management could make your
honest venture a success.


Nothing we do has ever
been short and glorious.

To accomplish our ultimate
goal, we will properly do what
we must, when we must,
in the way we must.

Bring us in and use us properly
and every one will benefit.


We only do high quality work.

It is vital to us that your
experience with us
be very good.

We take fierce pride
in what we do.


Unless we are your partner
and we share in your
enterprise, you will pay
us interim payments for
our time and skill as we
meet specified goals.

Our prices are realistic when
ultimate advantage and final
quality are considered.


Most content below is wide
and will display best on a
typical computer screen.


Our Owner, our Henry,
may also be available to
serve as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international,
extensive details are below.


To participate in some activities
our Owner, our Henry, earned
very high U.S.A. security clearance.


) (C) Henry Swerdloff

(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

Hidden in image is ID state info.
Photo is copy of non-related state license.

My name is Henry.

By heritage we are the people of U.S.A.
military and technology and security
and business and manufacturing.

We solve problems and we know how to
keep our mouths shut after the fact.


We are authoritative, but we usually listen to
those we trust and usually follow good advice.

We try to make the result of our activity to be
an enduring positive legacy to posterity.

We reliably do what has to be done.


This Brochure is dated
16 September 2023.

Please expect this Brochure
content to change at any time.


SSL encryption gets in the way in
some old-technology systems.

We do not SSL encrypt this Brochure.

This Brochure is viewed in the second and third
world by people limited by old-technology.

Those second and third world readers
probably include some our Owner has
U.S.A. trained as part of his employment.

There can NOT be a tracking code or Cookie if
you load this Brochure directly from our server.


Our Owner, our Henry,
may also be available to
serve as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international,
extensive details are below.



Henry could serve on
your Board as a Member.



(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff


Our Henry may be available to
serve as a Board Member
in U.S.A. or international.


Board of Directors, Management Board, Board of Advisors.

Our Henry may be available to serve on your Board as a Member.


His full legal name is Henry Swerdloff.

Born-in and lived mostly-in his Boston U.S.A.


There is no geographical or
political restriction on his activity.

As your Board Member, our Henry may be
available inside and outside of U.S.A.


He is a very-responsible person, and he is very-reliable.

He usually fits-in, and he is usually easy to work-with.


Going forward, he knows his U.S.A.
really needs all the help she can get.

Because of his different life experiences,
he probably has a different point-of-view.


His participation and his vote will be sacred
to him, because of the trust you place in him.

He will see his participation with your Board as a
Divine Assignment, helping it to do the best it can.


His greatest strength is his history of being deeply-influenced by
some gifted power-respecting others which tried to educate him,
which demonstrated to him their concern for the common-good.

This formed his solid foundation of realistic expectations
in Politics and Business and Technology and Education.

Our Henry sees his entire planet Earth as one single entity.

He sees it is a self-regulated economy-focused entity,
fully-managed by power-focused business interests,
usually dominated by a strong fallible mostly-selfish
power-focused elite which rarely concern them selves
with any world-wide destructive result of their actions.


As a Board Member, our Henry
has good early history.


My name is
Henry Swerdloff.

I live next to Boston MA in Brookline.

I have early experience as a payed and un-payed
Board Member, in different non-related venues.

While I would ask questions during our formal meetings,
mostly I would quietly-ask for direction from those that know
much-more than me about what we were covering, and from
those that showed a wisdom which I often would not have.

I am very comfortable with elite management people that
actually make the world work smoothly, but ultimate
responsibility for my vote ends with me and
my decisions will be mine alone.


My being your Board Member is a high-leadership
position which requires me to earn your deep-trust.

My participation and my vote will be sacred
to me because of the trust you place in me.


I had my 8 year military experience at a time
when conscription was normal and typical, but
I had no concern because I was much too young.

Being under-age and not able to join any U.S.A. military,
I changed my date-of-birth on my pen-and-ink Boston
birth certificate to become a military volunteer.

I did this with my patriotic parent's understanding that
I would change my date-of-birth, then they gave me
their written permission which reflected my new age.

In those days, it was NOT a requirement that I have
higher education, and their Military Testing showed
my vast informal technology background which
qualified me to omit elementary technical training,
and it was at a time of a grave national emergency.


To Explain my Advanced Military job placement
and my informal technical education,
I must include additional info here.

I will use the paragraph which I quote below, it is
my response to a social message dated May 18, 2020.

" Barbara. _ When I was 14 my interest was physics
and technology and reading the Boston Globe. _ In the
Globe there were listings of free lectures at various
colleges. _ I would leave my Mattapan (Boston) address
and ride the subway to Mass Ave station, and walk across
the bridge over the Charles and attend those lectures. _ In
those days there was no Internet. _ Today, I attend similar
free lectures on the Internet. _ My grandfather (on my mother's
side) would say that education is all around us laying on the
ground, we just have to reach down and pick it up. _ I found

that to be true. _ Wise Henry. "


I was competent and trusted and
demonstrated great-enthusiasm,
and I did my military jobs well.

I also was a very-young child and quiet and
nice and un-educated; and while I was astute in
military technology, I also strongly-demonstrated
very-poor social skills, and so in 8 years I never
was advanced above military pay grade E-4.


But my life did go on, and I would
take high-risk, and I would learn.


I now have a very-broad very-strong technology and security
heritage as a common-worker and as a training-person and as a
mid-level-manager; and I demonstrated I was a very-responsible
U.S.A. human and I earned very-high U.S.A. security clearance;
and I now run my own company with a one-world point-of-view.

My Web page is > HenryBostonUSA.com <.

+1 617-232-3379 is my Brookline MA
active voice land-line since 1972.


Your deep back-ground check of me will verify that my
full legal name since birth is, and my address since 1975 is;
Henry Swerdloff, 9 James Street, Brookline, MA 02446, U.S.A.


If your operation respects our best
U.S.A. values, I will fit-in perfectly.

Thank you.



We use North America English
with relaxed punctuation.

We keep this page compatible with old browsers
on old computers on old networks.
_ It is simple
text and simple graphics and does NOT require
JavaScript (a programming language).

Each URL dot "com", and dot "TW", and dot "biz"
we show on this page is our Service Mark "(SM)".

ISBN, Copyright, Employment, other
notices, are usually near end of page.


1775 Political
.To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R". Public Domain

Our flag in 1775 and after. _ Starting when we
were still a group of 13 British colony states,
we now boldly display it when our citizens
challenge our Government's Authority.


1775 Political
. Public Domain

Our flag in 1775 and after. _ Starting when we
were still a group of 13 British colony states,
we now boldly display it on many U.S. Navy
support and combat ships in harm's way.


2023 Political
Public Domain

Our flag in 2023 and after.

" Yesterday, Today and Forever. "
The Bible, King James Version, Hebrews 13:8, Public Domain.


Truth and Justice
is our Tradition.

We try to protect and
enhance our U.S.A. republic.

We do what we can, when we can.


Our America U.S.A. now has
serious political problems.

I had to include this poem.

The "Union" mentioned in this poem is our
United States, it is a Union of those states.

This poem is from a time when our individual States had
a most-violent un-inhibited total-war against each other.

Our President at that time was Abraham Lincoln,
he was assassinated during that war.

My volunteer military group originated
during that war to support our Union.

The original U.S.A. combat flags of my group were on permanent
display in a very-special part of my Massachusetts State House.

With our combat flags in sight, my group and I sincerely
accepted responsibility to Protect our Constitution
against "All Enemies Foreign and Domestic".

Today, it appears the most-dangerous active enemies of our
U.S.A. republic are Domestic, and we elected all of them.

" Thou, too, sail on, O Ship of State!
Sail on, O Union, strong and great!
Humanity with all its fears,
With all the hopes of future years,
Is hanging breathless on thy fate! "

From "The Building of the Ship." by
Longfellow, 1807-1882, it is Public Domain.


Going Forward.

Simple Facts of Life.

If we are Too Timid and We Fail to protect our troubled republic,
then our U.S.A. can NOT be a force for Good on planet Earth.

In our domestic politics,
Good people Must win.

Our Bad people must
Repent or go to Jail.


After we die.

We all probably look-back and
remember when we had opportunity to
do what we know we should have done.

With both friend and enemy, we humans
live together on this very-small planet.

After we die, we become the same.

For both friend and enemy, for benefit of all,
we should do the best we can when we can.

We should do the best we can when we can.


I am Henry Swerdloff,
I own this company.

It is vital to my self-esteem that your
experience with us be very-good.

I still see my self as a U.S.A. soldier, and my sincere
business-efforts and personal-life reflect that fact.

Our U.S.A. nation will continue to evolve as
our founders in 1775 intended, while we quietly
watch as some gifted U.S.A. elites try to destroy us.

With the help of others, we try to protect our U.S.A. population,
and state and federal governments, against some foreign and
some domestic political and business and media entities, that
appear to work together to force our U.S.A. governments to
express values and policies to benefit only Mainland China.

I mostly resent the elite parts of our U.S.A. media
that remain silent-about and appear-to-condone
recent and current election-related criminal activity.

During our recent U.S.A. election for President, we found
most of our elite U.S.A. media denied our U.S.A. public
a truthful full expression and notification of details of
election-related criminal activity of our election-process
and candidates, which were open and easily seen and verified.

By their free-choice, most of our elite U.S.A. media denied
our legal voting citizens an education sufficient to select
the best honest people and policies to lead our republic.

Our U.S.A. political and business and media and education
leaders are very-strong and some times they are very-blind.

It strongly appears common for them, and those they care about, to accept
substantial reward, for supporting policies that put Mainland China above all.

We find the result of actions of some of our leaders, and of those they control
or support, are against our very-strong U.S.A. tradition and probably our laws,
and appear to compromise capabilities of our very-willing and very-able military.

If they and some elite U.S.A. business interests help us fail as a nation,
we can no longer be a reliable Protector and a Beacon of hope for all.

We each have an obligation, each to the other and to those not yet born.

Let us all do what we know is the right thing to do.

Henry Swerdloff.


This is our Brochure.

We help you Find and Solve your
Business and Technical Problems.

This Brochure is specific to our current inside and
outside of U.S.A. service and employment offers.

This Brochure, a Web page, may supplement or replace
our service and employment Web pages that may have
appeared to those that may have used specific on-line
search criteria, or responded to our on-line ads or mail.



Risk, Probability, Method, People.

We Find and Review Business and
Industrial Espionage at your Operation.

Think of us as being a good guy that helps
you see a part of your operation is now
vulnerable to theft of information or
theft of product sample, for which a
company or government will pay.

That theft is usually by a trusted person.


We Enhance You.

We enhance support of your full Security Operations,
Business Operations, Manufacturing Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering, Combat Engineering.


We Educate You.

We Review Your Security of Critical
Infrastructure and Manufacturing.


We can administrate you.

While we quietly administrate you,
we wake-up and stir-up your people.

We can probably bring out of your existing people the
good-stuff which their current management stifles.

Then, perhaps you would want us to
remain and administrate some others.

Allow us to demonstrate the
high quality of our skill.


Criminal Enterprise.

We save the good guys,
we bring down the others.

We help entrap and devastate Criminal Enterprise,
that Criminal Enterprise could be a Government,
which could be Foreign or part of our U.S.A.

We make no deals and recognize no hostages.

We expect our work environment will be
non-conventional and corrupt and dangerous .

We reliably do what has to be done.


This is an open message
for any person any place.

It relates to
Mainland China
Intelligence Service.

Communist Party China (CPC)
People's Republic China (PRC)
Chinese Communist Party (CCP)
China People's Liberation Army (CPLA) (PLA)

CCP Political
Public Domain


Intelligence Service.

This is for Mainland China Intelligence Service
persons in China, and any person in the free
world that wants to best serve Mainland China.


I am Henry.

Welcome to MY world.

This section reflects my life-experience, it reflects
my observed reality of your world and mine.


If your servers are in Mainland China,
we can probably identify your country.

Your highest Mainland China leaders are very-smart people,
and the same as you they also fear removal or elimination.

Their fear, and yours, keeps the culture
of your Mainland Government pure.


If YOU are in Mainland China and you can read this
Web page, YOU must be a Special Person to be
allowed full access to un-censored Internet.

Your access to un-censored Internet helps YOU see
truth and justice in government is very-possible.


" Serve the mother land. "

" Return to serve your mother land. "

If you are now in the free world, and you want to return
to serve your mother land, this section is also for you.


This section is for your Mainland China only,
it has nothing to do with my little Taiwan.

My Taiwan has her own way of doing things.

My Taiwan has her own culture, and government,
and economy, and her own close powerful friends.


All of my Taiwan is a free pretty young lady,
and she is NOT a part of your Mainland China.

Your physical location is very-near to her, and she
can see your Mainland Government acts like a
criminal bully, and she knows it is her enemy.


She can see your Mainland
Government is NOT for her.

She can see how your Mainland Government
deals with any free-people or any free-nation.

She expects your government and officials
will ultimately treat her as bad as they treat
your people and other nations near you.

She can see your government
is dangerous for the world.

Your Government is NOT worthy of her.

Your stronger Communist military forced the
ancestors of Taiwan to leave Mainland China.

It was a long terrible war. _ A much-stronger Communist
PLA military forced the government and ancestors of
those now in Taiwan to leave their Mainland China.

To stay alive they escaped from their mainland to the island
of Formosa, a legal formal part of the Empire of Japan.

That was the time of old Soviet Russia and we understood
the harm to China their Marxist Communism would cause.

For us to help stop Marxist Communism we were helping
the government of Nationalist China to fight their war.

At the same time, after a world war with Japan,
we were in position to influence Japan and others.

It made sense to us to allow Nationalist China forces and
their friends to occupy Formosa.
_ Then they evolved to
become a separate nation, an independent country.

They eventually evolved to become my Taiwan, a culture
and reputation that Mainland China could have had.

We Protect.

Because we are Taiwan's good friend we will protect her,
our long history will show you what to expect of our people.

If your Mainland China government tries to occupy Taiwan's
island nation, we will split Mainland China into different
nations, and each of those nations will have a different
government and military, and each nation will be about
as rich and strong as the other, and nothing like your
current government and its policies will be tolerated.


If your Mainland China can evolve to be as free and open and
honest as my Taiwan, then my Taiwan may choose to share
her self fully with all your Mainland people, because your
government would have evolved to be similar to hers.

I feel very-protective of my little Taiwan.


My America U.S.A. government
is often NOT very-smart.

If my U.S.A. is too timid and fails to protect our republic,
and if we fail to do our best to fully protect our friends,
we will fail to remain a force for Good FOR the World.

This includes us being a force for good
for you and your Mainland people, and the
people in those parts of your country your
majority population treats so very-badly.


In our free world, we would like for you to join us as
our equal, but only after your government allows
you and the parts of your country your majority
population treats so very-badly, to become our
equal in personal freedom and responsibility.


The only serious problems we ever had with your people,
was with your Authoritative Mainland China Government.

We expect YOU to change that government,
because they are NOT good for your people.


Your Mainland China Government.

If any person on-or-off your mainland challenges their
Authority, for that government to remain in power
they must correct or eliminate them.


Your government is a religion in which every thing they
say is perfect-truth, and the only way forward is their-way.

If you fail to accept their superior-wisdom, they will usually see
you as being against them and also against your Mainland China.


Your highest leaders are very-smart people, and as
you fear they also fear their removal or elimination.

Their fear and yours, keeps the culture
of your Mainland Government pure.

Your problem, and theirs, is
you and they are human, and
humans evolve and grow and change.

You have a privileged position, and
you have un-censored Internet.

You can look at the world, and
you can educate your self.

You can evolve and grow and change.


As you evolve, you will see the only thing we know with
certainty is an expected eruption of a large volcano will
change all climates and almost all of us will starve and die.

Extinction has been our common long-term history.

Usually some-people in some-places survive,
but robust healthy civilizations always quickly end.

In the full-history of Mainland China, it has been common for all its
governments to be brutal to their people, it has been common for their
policies to enhance the chance their common-people will suffer greatly.

Until we all starve and die because a volcano changed our climate,
you can join with others to make life for every human much better.


We now force your Mainland China Government
to stop stealing stuff from others, and to respect the
safety and quality of life of your people and our friends.

Because of the way your Mainland China Government
conducts it self in the world and their way of governing,
we clearly see your government is a Criminal Enterprise

We expect full armed conflict with
your Mainland China Government.

Your fear is normal and healthy.


In the near past, for us and our partners, we waged wars to
protect our selves and our friends, and if it was required,
we split countries and changed their governments,
and some times we administrated them.

We were very-good at it.

We find it is now too early for us to fight the war necessary to
split Mainland China into separate independent free countries.


We, and you, are responsible
for what comes after us.

We want to avoid expected
waste of life for many of
our people and friends.

Later, on different parts of this page,
we very-strongly suggest to your military
and others, to take full-control and replace
your Mainland China Government, because
that government is a brutal bully that causes grief
to most of your common-people and friendly others.


Your Mainland China Government,

it acts like a Criminal Enterprise.

Our U.S.A. Government can also
act like a Criminal Enterprise.

As bad as our U.S.A. will some times act,
as a nation we usually try to do the right thing.

As a nation, I know our U.S.A. republic
can demonstrate higher-values more-often.


As a nation, we some times try to remove
those powerful parts of us that corrupt us.

We find it is very-difficult to change to improve,
but we try and some times we succeed.


We know we can do better.

When we try again we often fail again,
and often go back to the way we were before.

But we keep trying, and we keep discovering that
it is very-frustrating dealing with a free-people,
because each person has their point-of-view.

Each of our people has an opinion and a
free-vote, and each will vote the way they please.


Regardless of high personal status,
corrupt is still corrupt, trash is still trash.


Criminal Political Activity.

Some of our people will force-the-success of those they
want to win.
_ Some low-status trash or high-status elite
may resort to very-serious criminal activity and be
very-proud of their success in corrupt activity.

People get hurt, and a nation fails.

You have choices to make.

You with others and acting together, can remove
your current Mainland China Government.

Your fear is normal and healthy.

When an adult person can see their physical survival is less
important than their un-selfish goal, people go beyond
their fear and do what their personal goal dictates.

They face their personal fear and become a very-strong
example for others to honor and respect and follow.


Our culture is very-different than yours, and
some times very-much the same as yours.

To make both our worlds work in a healthy way,
you and I must first Live in a healthy way.

You and I require full Personal Freedoms and
a strong Respect of us by our governments.

You and I also require our Personal Religions, if any, and
broad Education with Opportunity to learn from the World.

And, we require our Internet should be un-censored,
for any to freely communicate with no restriction,
for us to learn about the world from the world.

We expect our governments
to have more faith in us.


Some things are BAD about us.

We vote our government leaders in and out of power,
but some times the process is made to be corrupt.

We are all human and will some times resort to
foreign and domestic criminal activity to enhance
success of those that want to be voted in to power.

Some of our most-powerful elite political leaders find
it will benefit them and their family and friends to NOT
make simple-changes that would quickly-stop such
_ We are now deep in the difficult
process to make those changes.
_Those of us that play
by the rules should soon stop being frustrated, because
our politics will be less affected by our popular criminals.

We strongly expect every one to play by the rules,
and we strongly detest those that choose not to.


We may make war on other governments,
but we do NOT make war on their people.

We have learned to respect you and
many others from your wide region.

You and they deserve much better.

We have long worked together with them,
and shared deep-responsibility with them.

We will fully-protect them and
fully-protect our other friends.

We are supported by our very-strong U.S.A. tradition
and law, and our very-willing and very-able military.


We all die, and what we leave behind
will remain our responsibility.

Do what you can,
when you can.


I understand your position, and frustration, and fear.

I have deep-appreciation of your vulnerability.

I have sincere respect for your humanity.


Perhaps we can work together.

I am Henry Swerdloff.

Thank you.


We have good history.

We are able. _ We are reliable. _ We fit in.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.


What do YOU propose?

I am our owner.

Henry is my name.

We and our U.S.A. and others
represent inclusive civilization.

You and I have been around for a long time
and in some places we are well known.

You and I are not all goodness and light.

You and I go for permanent solutions.


There are still important things
for you and I to accomplish.

I would like to share
the adventure with you.

What do YOU propose?


About this Web page.

This is about our history and
earned credentials and philosophy
and international political orientation.

This also includes security clearance information for some
individuals and companies that desire to work for or with us.

Nothing here excludes foreign nationals off shore.

Those foreign nationals off shore
probably include some our Owner has
U.S.A. trained as part of his employment.

Henry Swerdloff of Boston U.S.A. is our Owner.

HenryBostonUSA.com (SM)


If you limit your self to your interest at this
moment by using an index of our content,
then you miss what we really are and
what we can do for you and others.

If you choose not to learn about us,
then you can not appreciate us and
we will refuse to serve your needs.


We work for
more than money.

The big guy must protect
the little guy from the bully.

That is the way of our world,
and we make it as it should be.

A sovereign state and a government of that state, and
any common person or elite; in our world a bully is a
bully and is seen as trash and is treated the same.

Our U.S.A. power requires
responsibility in how we use it.

We make war on governments,
we do NOT make war on their people.

Henry Swerdloff.



Allow us to share our skills with you.

We are at our best when we stir the pot and
bring out of your existing others that which
their current management usually stifles.

Then, perhaps you would want us to remain
and administrate some or all participants.


We build on our owner's demonstrated personal
history to provide advice in Business Operations,
Security Operations, Manufacturing Engineering,
Aerospace Engineering, Combat Engineering.

We enjoy a broad inclusive non-expert history.

We can perfectly support legitimate high risk,
high reward, venture capital investment.

The current U.S.A. security credentials of
our owner should not limit you or any of your
associates' un-inhibited private face-to-face
communication with him at any required
security level in any appropriate facility.


Review Business and Industrial Espionage;
its real Risk, Probability, Method, People.

Review Security of Critical
Infrastructure and Manufacturing.

New or on-going
Product and Process
Design and Management.

Business Management
Consultation and Services.

Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry.


Think of us as being a good guy that helps
you see a part of your operation is now
vulnerable to theft of information or
theft of product sample, for which a
company or government will pay.

That theft is usually by a trusted person.

Some times mental health or hatred motivates
theft, and money or favor may never be involved.

Some times it is to show, in a way that others can not
ignore, he or she is much smarter than every one else.

Some times it is by being in a position of power to
set-up a boss or peer to be humiliated or removed.

We have all worked with people we do not trust;
some times they have a great amount of power,
some times power over life and death of an idea or
person or company or nation or culture or planet Earth.

In this matter it is normal and healthy for you to feel
a great fear, but you still have to do what you must.

You will find we are able
to properly assist you.


Bring us in.

Share truth with us.

Simply chat with us to become comfortable with us.

We both must build a relationship with the other.

To facilitate our best learning about each other,
we may have to visit or occupy your operation.


Our price is right.

We run a no-bid operation.

Except for one U.S.A. Dollar,
we do not accept money in advance.

Henry Swerdloff of Boston U.S.A. is our Owner.

HenryBostonUSA.com (SM)

If your company or operation is legitimate and
a quick drive from his Boston U.S.A., you can
hire him for one U.S.A. Dollar for the first year.

If our owner chooses to provide services him self,
he will not bill you for those services.
_ You decide
for your self the value of any services provided by
our owner and reward him in a way you decide.

If you find value in knowing him,
we hope you choose to reward him.

If and when you can, we trust you will
do the right thing, from your point of view.



We are reliable.

We are able.

We fit in.









"usaWarFighter.TW" relates to our free
U.S.A. sponsored island nation of Taiwan.

All of Taiwan is free, it has its own culture and
its own government and its own economy, and
she is absolutely NOT part of Mainland China.



Every ".com" ".TW" ".biz" on
this page is our Service Mark.


After a short learning period we
will properly fit in your operation.

We share broadly and work well with
your staff and other existing providers.

We will not betray your trust.

We earned our excellent reputation.


It is vital for our self-esteem that your
experience with us be very-good.

We fit in. _Bring us in.

Please allow us to share our skills with you.

Our primary location is next to Boston U.S.A.

Content of this public Web page is specific to all
current or recent service and employment offers.



(SM) Photo Copyright (C) Henry Swerdloff

Henry is our Boss.

He leads by example.

We find and solve problems.

Rigorous Review of Business and Industry.

Business Management Consultation and Services.


Excellent Attitude.

We are proud of the work we do.

Security of critical Infrastructure
and critical Manufacturing.

We are especially good in difficult security matters.

Industrial Espionage and other stuff, we review
its risk and probability and we probably can
identify its probable methods and people.


Nothing we do has ever been short and glorious.

We have broad inclusive non-expert history.

We can perfectly support legitimate high risk,
high reward, venture capital investment

We provide rigorous review business and industry
services in Connecticut, Massachusetts,
New Hampshire, Rhode Island.

We provide physical security related consultation and
we collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce non-consumer physical technical product.

Our Henry has extensive early history of providing technical
support to engineers and managers for development of
non-consumer products, which include prototype
construction and testing, and ultimate product
and process design and management, and
liaison with those that physically build it.

To allow our Henry to engage in some activities described
above, he earned very high level U.S.A. security clearance.


We learn from each other.

How to contact our Henry.

Since 1972, his Boston U.S.A. publicly listed
land-line telephone number has been:

+1 617 232 3379


Since 1975, address all mail on paper to:

Henry Swerdloff
9 James Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Address all private client and
employee work-related E-Mail to:


Other E-Mail addresses are also valid,
but they are used for different purposes.

Unless we establish different with you,
we will do our electronic correspondence
with you using E-Mail addresses that end in
"RigorousReview.com" or "HenrySwerdloff.com";
we use each differently in how we market services.

We no longer use or monitor our old address for our old Telex
machine variant or for our old fully-numeric E-Mail address.



I am Henry Swerdloff.

We run a no-bid operation.

Except for one U.S.A. Dollar,
we do not accept money in advance.

If your company or operation is legitimate and
a quick drive from my Boston U.S.A., you can
hire me for one U.S.A. Dollar for the first year.

Make your proposal interesting and make it
right, and I may help you to reach your goal.

If I choose to provide services my self,
I will not bill you for those services.

You decide for your self the value of any services
provided by me and reward me in a way you decide.

If and when you can, I trust you will
do the right thing, from your point of view.

If you found value in knowing me,
I hope you choose to reward me.


We learn from each other.

My current U.S.A. security credentials should not
limit you or any of your associates' un-inhibited
private face-to-face communication with me at any
required security level in any appropriate facility.

I can provide full demonstration of my heritage.


In my personal life and in my work, I strongly
demonstrate Wisdom, Strength, Honor.

I know the private client can not come first,
I know the public good must come first.

I try to make decisions that lead to a
responsible conclusion, to make results to
be in the enlightened best interest for all.


We are authoritative but we listen to those
we trust and usually follow good advice.

Within the rules we all must follow, I will
do my best to ensure we all can win.


We are able.
_ We are reliable. _ We fit in.



I am Henry Swerdloff.

I see myself as being your brother.

I have a strong clear view of the world,
and I see it as being open and inclusive.

I was born and brought up as a gentleman in my Boston U.S.A.,
in an old ethnic neighborhood, in an extended multi-generation
immigrant-related working patriotic humble non-elite family.

I am a product of my family and some other good people of our
neighborhood, and my Boston Public Schools and my local military.

I never was an elite gifted student, and even with strong support from
my family and others I still had to work very hard for all I have learned.

I learned to be kind and considerate and
respectful and generous through examples
shown to me by my family and many others.

I also learned that in business it can be
much better to be open and generous
and help some competitors thrive,
by each of us helping the other.


I started my part of this business in 1975,
at my most current Boston MA area
facility, in Brookline MA 02446.

I currently work only at or from that facility.

I closed our additional Thompson CT
facility in 2016, months after my partner
in life and business, Susan M. Aucoin, died.

We thrived by being competent and very flexible.

I still miss her very much.



I am Henry Swerdloff.

How to contact me.

Since 1972, my Boston U.S.A. publicly listed
land-line telephone number has been:

+1 617 232 3379


Since 1975, address all mail on paper to:

Henry Swerdloff
9 James Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Address all private client and
employee work-related E-Mail to:


Other E-Mail addresses are also valid,
but they are used for different purposes.

We no longer use or monitor our old address for our old Telex
machine variant or for our old fully-numeric E-Mail address.



Rigorous Review dot com

Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry.

Business Management
Consultation and Services.

Henry is our Boss.

His earliest experiences include deep weapon-related
state-of-the-art design and prototyping and
critical-manufacture of interesting stuff.

He provided technical support and
assistance to engineers and others.

This page supplements highly detailed service and
employment pages that appeared to those that
may have used specific on-line search criteria
or responded to our on-line ads or to our mail.

This current Web page expands
or replaces our earlier pages.


Most modern browsers move quickly and
may not wait for all graphics to fully load.

If you see a Copyright notice but its associated graphic is missing,
then display that graphic by instructing this browser to re-load.

On a typical U.S.A. keyboard for a desk-top or lap-top,
instruct your browser to re-load any part of this page while
you view it, and your browser will return to that part of this page:

Re-load page: Hold CONTROL Key down and
Press key marked with letter "R".


On a typical U.S.A. keyboard for a desk-top or lap-top,
you can also instruct your browser to make all text
and graphics on this page bigger or smaller size.

On its top row of keys, press PLUS (+) or MINUS (-) keys
multiple times to make it all much bigger or smaller size,
or press ZERO (0) once to return it all to expected size:

Make bigger: Hold CONTROL Key Down and
Press key marked with a PLUS (+).

Make smaller: Hold CONTROL Key Down and
Press key marked with a MINUS (-).

Make expected: Hold CONTROL Key Down and
Press key marked with a ZERO (0).


Public Domain
To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R". Public Domain

Rigorous Review dot com

Our broad inclusive non-expert history.

We can perfectly support legitimate high risk,
high reward, venture capital investment

Rigorous Review of
Business and Industry.

Business Management
Consultation and Services.

Our primary services include International
Class 035 and U.S.A. Classes 100, 101, 102.

In fact, as described in this Web page brochure,
our services are much more complete than those
few services associated with our Registered Mark.

We are proud of the work we do.



(R) (SM)
Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM)

We have a broad inclusive non-expert history.


In our local area of U.S.A., we have a
broad inclusive non-expert history.

We rigorous review business and industry in Connecticut,
Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island.

We can help establish or substantially improve a business or
non-profit or government in providing a very high quality
representation to authority on-shore or off-shore.

Our participation can include our sitting in on very private
negotiations with private individuals, or political office holders,
or representatives of organized labor, or those charged with
responsibility of properly investing public money, or . . .

By heritage we are security people, we know
how to keep our mouths shut after the fact.


It is best for you to keep in mind,
we play it very straight.

We support legitimate investment,
we bring down the others.

We help entrap and devastate Criminal Enterprise,
that Criminal Enterprise could be a government,
we make no deals and recognize no hostages.


We support legitimate venture capital investment.

We provide physical security related consultation and
collaborate with others to develop new enterprise to
design and produce non-consumer technical product.


We help design-document-manufacture product.

We provide help solving some development problems
of non-consumer technology, and help solve
problems with people that design or
produce or sell or expect to use it.


For some kinds of physical product, we provide
in client facility proper documentation of design
and manufacture and inspection and operation;
and our rigorous review of conformance to
best practice design and manufacture.


We also provide in client facility our long and deep
services to enhance innovation and reliability for tools
and attainment-of-goals of our America U.S.A. war
fighter regardless of service branch and regardless of
which traditionally allied war fighter may also benefit.


I am Henry Swerdloff.

Since 1972, my Boston U.S.A. publicly listed
land-line telephone number has been:

+1 617 232 3379



We no longer use or monitor our old address for our old Telex
machine variant or for our old fully-numeric E-Mail address.



Rigorous Review dot com

Tough and Competent.

(sm) (C
) H

(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

We are fully employee owned.

Our primary location is next to Boston U.S.A.

Our security consultation and services can properly support
legitimate high risk venture capital investment in environments
hostile to such investment and in corrupt friendly environments.

Business management consulting and advisory services.

In fact, as described in this Web page brochure,
our services are much more complete than those
few services associated with our Registered Mark.

For quick best recognition of ultimate responsibility,
and for best freedom and protection under law,
and for best U.S.A. legal and tax purposes,
we are an un-incorporated Business,
we are a U.S.A. Sole Proprietorship,
our Owner is our Henry Swerdloff.



(R) (SM) Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM)

The work we do.


You will find we are capable and
we have an excellent attitude.

Industrial Espionage and other stuff, we review
its risk and probability and we probably can
identify its probable methods and people.


Henry is our boss
and a true believer.

Our Henry was invited to accept an un-solicited
personal invitation to join (as a civilian) with part
of an elite federal U.S.A. Constitutional Authority.

That federal Authority has full access to all
security clearance related details regarding his
extended family and friends and school history,
and military and civilian employment history.

We know they are fully aware of his providing
very high Q-security-clearance services when he
was with an elite national defense provider of
management and technical services, and later
with similar others, and they must also be
aware of his heritage of responsible positions
earned in technical support roles in business
and industrial and military electronics.


He is now part of an entity sponsored by our F.B.I.

It is "InfraGard-Boston", his ID is "10121788".

He can now enhance his sole-proprietorship with
formal relationships with sworn and un-sworn
parts of our F.B.I., and have access to their
training and advice and confidential information.

He also desires to be used by them to provide his
expertise as an education resource, in a role similar
to that which he successfully practiced as a part of
normal duties many years ago when he was with
Pinkerton (SM) his career employer in Boston U.S.A.

He used employee number 200487 with Pinkerton (SM).

Pinkerton (SM) was then and still is the
global leader in risk management solutions.


Henry and his old most-current career employer.

Henry expects to continue as a career employee of his
security-related state-licensed most-current employer.

He expects to continue to best serve their clients as
he has been doing for them for the last many years.

His return to his most-current employer and other robust
activities is delayed, because his serious wound requires
more healing because it still limits his robust physical
response to threats, but he should return very soon.

As in the past, Henry will properly support both this
employer and his personal sole-proprietorship.

As before, Henry will be available to both with
no conflict in time and no loss of quality.

Henry will continue to earn
his excellent reputation.



Rigorous Review dot com

To risk nothing is to
do nothing and fail.

We are of this world and we know we risk being
seriously injured by adversaries or by our own stupid
mistakes, but we usually refuse to appear to be a weak
mortal as each of us actually are and some times prove.


Our Henry believes it is best for
him to lead others by his example,
and by leading them from the front.

Our Henry is some times very smart,
and he is also some times brainless.

This time our Henry found him self in hospital
because he demonstrated very poor judgment.

If his partner in life and business, Susan M. Aucoin, was alive,
she would never let him make the stupid mistake of ignoring a
minor infection of a wound so that it would have an opportunity
to mutate from a minor bacterial infection into a death sentence.

Un-noticed, his blood had become so very toxic that
discomfort of that minor wound would disappear
and his thinking would become very faulty.


Henry felt no pain and his
thoughts seemed normal.

Now fully dressed and ready to leave his house for work
with his tools on his belt, now fully ready to do his job he
checked the time and found he had a lot of time to arrive.

He was wrong as to the actual time, because with no delays
in transit and with him still feeling normal, he arrived at the
client about 2 hours late and then collapsed inside their facility.

Ambulance brought him to hospital which identified DNA of the
verilant bacteria as a mutated variant of a common infection.

Continuing antibiotics with many small operations were required in
hospital over a long time to limit or remove many infected areas.

Months ago he received formal legal permission from his
appropriate medical practitioner to continue his robust
security-related physical activities, but a lot of frequent
continuing out-of-hospital treatment was still required to
prepare him to actually do his job in an un-inhibited way.

His return to his most-current employer and other robust
activities is delayed, because his serious wound requires
more healing because it still limits his robust physical
response to threats, but he should return very soon.

His life will continue, he has many good years before
his physical life will fail, then an infinite period for him
to continue to influence events when he is out of body.

You are no different; in your body or out of it,
your life can still be what you choose to make it.


Bring us in, and use us properly,
and every one will benefit.

We will properly do what we must,
when we must, in the way we must.


Rigorous Review dot com

Outside of our local area,
off shore outside of U.S.A.

We deeply understand the complexities of our business.

We provide our full security consultation and other full services
that properly support some kinds of legitimate very high risk
venture capital investment in hostile or corrupt environments.

It is very probable our innovative approach and risk
management could make your honest venture a success.


We take fierce pride in what we do.

It is vital to our self-esteem that
your experience with us be very-good.

Our prices are realistic when your ultimate
advantage and final quality are considered.

Unless we are your partner and we share in your
enterprise, you will pay us interim payments for
our time and skill as we meet specified goals.


We are receptive.

We are available off shore outside of U.S.A.

We can properly support some kinds of legitimate very high risk
venture capital investment in environments hostile to such
investment and in friendly environments which are corrupt.

We are receptive. to legitimate business proposals involving
substantial economic and physical risk, with our role
being that of an identifiable partner or facilitator.


We are a highly moral people.

We are very sensitive and responsible to the legal and
social requirements of our U.S.A. citizenship, and
of our strong partnership with our national and
some other honest and friendly governments.


We are reasonable and rational.

In our continuing to be reasonable and rational, we
demonstrate our independence of opinions expressed by
some U.S.A. government leaders that should know better.


Our ultimate goal is to
achieve a greater good for all.

If we can not do a proper job our selves for any reason,
we will bring in and administrate entities that can and will.

We may share duties and responsibilities and risk
with identified and un-identified others.

We may work closely with those others and be substantially
assisted, but we are not a formal part of any other entity.


We live in the real world.

We almost always try to do the right thing, but we quickly found
some times we can not actually do the right thing and survive.

But, we find some times our survival is much less important
than our ultimate goal and we do what honor dictates.

We, and you, are responsible for what comes after us.


Our relationship with our client.

Unless a client intends our relationship with them to be public,
all our dealings with them will be private.
_ We keep it private
unless our good sense dictates that we notify and partner with
our selection of parts of U.S.A. constitutional authorities we can
trust, and to partner with other honest authorities we can trust.


We help our competitors.

We will properly help a competitor and their clients.

We will quietly service their clients in their name,
or we can be an identifiable partner or facilitator.

Unless we share revenue as a partner, as we meet specified goals
our competitor will pay us interim payments for our time and skill.


We find and
solve problems.

We Find Stuff.

Expect This: _ We find stuff. _ If our reporting it to
you will destroy a trusted legal intelligence operation,
then expect us to NOT report that finding to you; we will
report it to that operation's leadership or much higher.


" usaWarFighter.com " is part of our
operation and is our Service Mark.


1775 Political
.To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R". Public Domain

This 1775 flag is displayed on our combat
ships when in the area of Mainland China.

This yellow flag was designed in 1775 by
Gadsden, a citizen of his South Carolina in
North America when it was a British colony.

We used this flag in my colony as we did in his,
to influence those that supported policies of our
King George and his Parliament that denied us fair
opportunity to represent our selves in our government.

This flag displays our North America deadly rattlesnake,
fully coiled ready to defend itself, ready to strike to kill.

Words displayed on this flag were to warn
our people and others to not try to hurt us.


To protect our interests, we then did what our
King George and his Parliament forced us to do.

We eventually had to separate from our British
mother country to make a new nation.

Our early culture was mostly British, and with open
robust immigration we evolved to become America.

With blessings of liberty and natural
resources and a very robust people,
we evolved to become big and rich.

We called our new nation the
United Colonies of America.

Our flag, 13 stripes for each original colony, and
our British flag was included in its corner.

1776 Political
. Public Domain

Our flag in 1776.

Our independent and united British 13 colony flag.

We continued to evolve our government, and in
1776 we became the United States of America.


Our flag today, 13 stripes for each original colony,
and 1 star on dark blue for each current state.

2023 Political
Public Domain

Our flag in 2023.

Our independent and united 50 states flag today.


Freedom is not free.

With the help of France, we had to fight a
long bloody war with the British military,
the biggest strongest military on Earth.

After we separated from our British mother country to
make our new nation and we won the war that resulted,
our old King George and his Parliament chose to rule their
remaining colonies world wide in a much more enlightened way.


(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

We fit in.


is part of our operation.

We are not risk averse.

We go for permanent solutions.

We can perfectly support legitimate high risk,
high reward, venture capital investment in
environments hostile to such investment
and in friendly corrupt environments.

In doing our job we try to not harm honest
friendly governments and innocent people.

We support legitimate investment,
we bring down the others.

In this activity we are available to our competitors,
to properly and quietly provide our services to
their clients, with our role being that of
an identifiable partner or facilitator.


We fit in.

We play it very straight.

To accomplish our ultimate goal,
we will properly do what we must,
when we must, in the way we must.

(and all it implies)
is part of our operation.

We and our U.S.A. have the attitude
and experience that all good things
are possible if we dare to make it so.

is also part of our operation.

"usaWarFighter.TW" relates to our free
U.S.A. sponsored island nation of Taiwan.

All of Taiwan is free, it has its own culture and
its own government and its own economy, and
she is absolutely NOT part of Mainland China.

Good people in Mainland China and their
government are of the strong opinion that
independent free Taiwan, and every thing
and person in and near Taiwan, all property
and technology and riches, actually belong
to Mainland China and Mainland China will
take it all by force because they can.

People of Taiwan have a different opinion, an opinion
supported by our very-strong U.S.A. tradition and
law, and our very-willing and very-able military.

We will fully-protect them and
fully-protect our other friends.


Mainland China Government is doing their best to
force the free people of Taiwan to allow removal
of their open liberal government and replace it
with Mainland China suppressive government.

We are currently in position to "educate" that
Mainland China suppressive government.


In the near past, for us and our partners, we waged wars to
protect our selves and our friends, and if it was required,
we split countries and changed their governments,
and some times we administrated them.

We were very-good at it.

We find it is now too early for us to fight the war necessary to
split Mainland China into separate independent free countries.


There are mostly good people in Mainland China,
their biggest problem is their national government.

We find the present government of Mainland China is a
brutal bully that causes grief to their common-people.


Many years ago, we advertised in Mainland China
using Google AdWords; our frequent premium
expensive display ads were obviously being
censored by mainland censors because we
never had to pay Google for those ads.

Then, after Mainland China, we became deeply involved
with domestic projects for our Susan M. Aucoin, and we
let China's government continue to be what they still are.


We find, to remain in absolute total power, the
current government of Mainland China needs to
remove all attention of their population from the
domestic problems of their government's making.

We find, the international and domestic distractions
that Mainland China creates are simply to enhance
their ability to continue their total absolute power.

Their leaders are human and want to keep
their jobs to continue to live well, and they
may believe they work for the common-good.


After our U.S.A. helped win World War 2 and we were
administrating Japan, we tried to limit Communist military
in China from fully taking over all of China, but the military
we sponsored failed badly and had to escape to the island
of Formosa, to eventually establish the nation of Taiwan.

At that time, Taiwan was not culturally
different than Mainland China.

Our U.S.A. helped Taiwan start on the island of Formosa
with a very large refugee population from Mainland China.

They had the same kind of corrupt
authoritative government as Mainland China, but
under U.S.A. influence Taiwan evolved differently..

At this time, Taiwan is China as a Mainland China would
have evolved to be, if the mainland would have been
allowed to grow under enlightened conditions.

Taiwan is now the only culture that is the
healthy true culture of a modern China.


Taiwan is now the only good custodian of all those
good values and things about what the culture of
a free China would have evolved to be before the
present government of Mainland China destroyed
many-many millions of their good people by being
a faithful imitation of Communist Russia with Stalin
and his brutal dictatorial government's domestic rule.


We expect the Mainland China Government to evolve to allow
them selves to be deeply influenced by healthy free Taiwan,
because a culture similar to Taiwan is the only culture that
could be an accurate healthy model for a new honest
enlightened egalitarian Mainland China Government.

To help Mainland China Government evolve in a better way, we expect
current military of Mainland China to use their power to change their
government, to do what is best for their people and neighbors.

To preserve a healthy future for Mainland China,
and for an independent free Taiwan, and for the
many others in that region, we and our U.S.A. will
continue to robustly serve and protect all from a
powerful arrogant self-destructive Mainland China.


" usaWarFighter.TW " is part of our
operation and is our Service Mark.


. Public Domain.

Our U.S. Navy flag from 1775 is still current,
displays our North America deadly rattlesnake.

Words displayed on this old but current flag are to warn
governments to not try to hurt us or we will kill them.

This 1775 flag is displayed on our combat
ships when in the area of Mainland China.

The current government of Mainland China objects very
strongly, but we continue to do as we please as they do.

We expect the next government of Mainland China will
be silent, because they will see us as a force for good.


Our U.S.A. and us.

Our U.S.A. and us, we do NOT make war on
a people, we make war on governments.

We are now in a good position with many others, to invite
severe retaliation by the government of Mainland China.

We have long experience in dealing with powerful arrogant
self-destructive governments that serve their people badly.

We expect the good people of Mainland China to fully replace
their current government leaders with no limit as to method.

We expect those new mainland leaders to see an independent
free Taiwan as the only culture that can serve as a model
for a new healthy culture for a new Mainland China.


There are mostly good people in Mainland China,
their biggest problem is their national government.

We expect the current military of Mainland China to join us, to do
what is best for all their mainland people and their neighbors.

We sincerely hope they choose to NOT follow the example of Russia
after Russian Communism failed and their government changed.

When the government of Russia changed, their new
government failed to provide goods and services and
employment and education to their common-people.

That new government of Russia also allowed former
leaders and bosses to steal all property they could,
and to administrate and buy and sell that property.

That is how the elite of Russia became so very rich, and
the common-people of Russia remained as they were.

We expect any new government of Mainland China
to be much better to their people and neighbors
than Communist Russia demonstrated to theirs.


We find the present government of Mainland China is a
brutal bully that causes grief to their common-people,
and they cause a lot of grief to most of the world.

We will continue to do what we can and should do,
because our cultures and our lives depend on it.

We will continue to robustly serve and protect
our Taiwan, and many others in that region.


_ U.S.A. and Taiwan _

Both flags are current.

U.S. Navy flag is from 1775.

Our Taiwan flag is from 1949.

Our U.S.A. Culture demands
that the big guy must protect
the little guy from the bad bully.

That is the way of our world, and
we make our world as it should be.

You know our U.S.A. is also a big bully, but usually
we try very-hard to be very-nice and NOT bad.


Normal U.S.A. Government.

How U.S.A. leaders keep power, and loose power.

Any U.S.A. president has power to conduct them selves
with kindness and honor, but some times they do not.

They may make decisions that are primarily designed to
enhance their ability to be re-elected, and to help their
political party gain advantage over any other party.

Any U.S.A. president seeking re-election, or any member of any
U.S.A. political party, CAN NOT ALLOW military and diplomatic
actions that our people WILL NOT support, because those in
power will loose power because they will loose elections.

Issues related to our island nation of Taiwan and others,
and current Mainland China:
_ Because our military
and diplomatic activities to support our friends has
adequate popular support by our U.S.A. people,
our military and diplomatic activities continue.

Our U.S.A. power requires
responsibility in how we use it.

We make war on governments,
we do NOT make war on their people.

The current Mainland China Government acts as a religion
in which every thing they say is perfect-truth and the only-way
ahead is their-way, and if you fail to accept their wisdom then
you are against them and against their religion, and you must
be corrected or eliminated to protect the current government.

We expect the current military of Mainland China to join with us,
to do what is best for all their mainland people and their neighbors.

The current military of Mainland China,
they know what has to be done.


Rigorous Review dot com

Our Henry has good verifiable history.

In 1979.

In 1979, leadership of California Plant Protection (SM) established their
first start-up office in Massachusetts as Boston CPP Security (SM), and
their Boston leader hired our Henry as their employee number 200487.

Eventually, California Plant Protection (SM) purchased all of
Pinkerton (SM) and adopted its well-known popular
Pinkerton (SM) name as their company name.

Henry used his old CPP employee number 200487 with Pinkerton (SM).

Pinkerton (SM) continued global leader in risk management solutions.

Henry evolved to be assigned to clients that had high-expectations
and eventually would report only to local most-senior management.

Henry evolved to be part of Boston Pinkerton (SM) Embedded Security
Personnel profile, with additional responsibilities that included his
proper training and administration of his security people.

Our Henry saw they were very glad to have him.

In 1999, when Securitas AB (SM) acquired all of Pinkerton (SM),
a new administration took over his Boston Pinkerton (SM) office.

His old Boston Pinkerton (SM) name and address had been changed
to Securitas AB (SM), its administration and culture fully replaced his.

Henry continued with his old California Plant Protection (SM) employee
number 200487, with Pinkerton (SM) and also with Securitas AB (SM).


In 2001.

In 2001, Henry was recruited and hired away by a small
local company which at had earned an excellent reputation.

It was Ellis Security (SM) of Billerica MA. _ In 2001, its name also was
E.G.E. Security Consultants (SM.
_ Henry was to provide proactive physical
security for their newest 2 site industrial client with very-high expectations.

His assigned client was a technology creating equipment manufacturer
with very-high-value large security related product, and contracts
with governments and authorities and large enterprise world-wide.

In 2001, on September 11

In 2001, on September 11, home from a complicated overnight, Henry
watched live TV, the co-ordinated al-Qaeda attack of civilian buildings
in his U.S.A., quickly destroying them and killing thousands of people.

Henry now greatly-expected Copycat activity.

Henry, his assigned client is well known world-wide, and un-like all
similar others in their top tier his client has a distinctive dramatic
and legal name that will get quick strong attention on-line and
in print and on TV by a very broad international audience.

Because of publicly stated goals of some dedicated local adult
very smart temporary student population, it was reasonable to
expect his sites would also be hit and the result would be a mess.

If this temporary local population were to cause harm to
his client it would be very news-worthy internationally,
and would greatly raise the status of the groups that
identify with those adult students' obvious loyalties.

Henry now greatly-expected Copycat activity.

Henry, his assigned client had 2 high value
sites he was responsible for concurrently.

Each site was a quick drive from the other, each
was a large wide-open well-known soft target.

This challenge was some thing our
Henry had prepared his entire life for.

He knows what to do,
and he did what he did,
and he did it perfectly.

When working armed in offending
urban housing, he learned it
is some times wrong to be
all goodness and light.

You have to do what you have to do.


To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R".
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff


Henry remained at his post and
every visiting-hateful survived.

The following day, the client
chose not to notice a mess.

Later, the client insisted that
Henry continue at their sites.

The client found Henry
did his job properly.


Henry then evolved to report directly to Jerry Ellis,
the Ellis Security (SM) company founder and owner.

In 2002, failing physical health forced Jerry Ellis
to remove himself and re-organize his company.

With a new temporary Ellis management in place,
the full Ellis payroll became very difficult to meet.

Our Henry wanted to remain with this client and
keep all his people, so he did what he had to do.

So that others could be reliably paid, Henry deferred
most and eventually all of his wages, by leaving his
wage paper-checks un-touched in the Ellis office.

To properly support this client, our
Henry remained with Ellis for additional
months, until that client replaced all of Ellis.

Jerry Ellis later become able to re-join and administrate his
Ellis company, and then Henry received all back wages due him.


In 2004, Henry initiated long-delayed personal goals and
started a monthly security industry print publication.

That Rigorous Review (SM) security industry print publication
evolved to become the Web page you are now reading.

That was his second adventure in publishing on paper.

He published before, when he allowed his love of words and
graphics in a book to motivate him to produce a monthly
publication about urban-industrial-complex design,
which failed when he ran out of money.

Henry originated that publication with David,
the partner with which he developed
his investment advisory service,
as he describes it on this page.

Henry had no idea it would cost him so much to produce
the quality publication he intended, but it did lead him
to become a self-employed self-funded Massachusetts
Licensed Real Estate Broker almost a half-century ago.

As an independent Licensed Broker he specialized in
commercial-industrial properties, nothing else.

Today, no longer acting as a Broker, he tries to influence
Real Estate project results by supporting legitimate
high-risk, high-reward, venture capital investment.


Command and Control.

We are capable.


Rigorous Review dot com

This is my company.

(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff (SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

My name is Henry Swerdloff.

I strongly influence all our services.

I am the public face of this private company.

I see my position as a sacred trust which I must earn.

I and my company and my U.S.A., we have the
attitude and experience that all good things
are possible if we dare to make it so.

I started in 1975, at my
current Boston MA U.S.A.
facility, in Brookline MA 02446.

I currently work at or from that facility.

I closed our additional Thompson CT facility in 2016, months
after my partner in life and business, Susan M. Aucoin, died.

We thrived by being competent and very flexible.

I and my non-bid contract operation build on my demonstrated personal
history to provide advice in Business Operations, Security Operations,
Manufacturing Engineering, Aerospace Engineering, Combat Engineering.

If your company or operation is legitimate and is a
quick drive from my Boston U.S.A., you can hire
me for one U.S.A. Dollar for the first year.

Make your proposal interesting and make it right,
and I may help you to reach your worthwhile goal.

I expect to provide full demonstration of my heritage.

Each of us can learn from the other.

My current U.S.A. security credentials should not limit
you or any of your associates' frank open un-inhibited
private face-to-face communication with me at almost
any required security level in any appropriate facility.


Security Consultation and Services.

Our security consultation and services can properly support legitimate
very high risk venture capital investment in environments hostile to
such investment and in friendly environments which are corrupt.

We know our work can be very-complicated and very-messy.

We are serious students of off shore history.

We know what has to be done to change a culture.

We will have a job to do, we will do that job properly.

In this activity we are available to our competitors, to properly
and quietly provide our services to their clients, with our
role being that of an identifiable partner or facilitator.


This page.

The long page you are now reading is mostly about our
history and our earned credentials, and it is about our
philosophy and our international political orientation.

This long page also includes security
clearance information for individuals and
companies that desire to work for or with us.


We do not
exclude foreign nationals off shore.

We have learned through the experiences of long life, that honest
people of high honor could come from cultures that appear to
strongly represent triumph of evil over good, and that official
records from any authority may not always represent truth,
and that it takes great courage for a person to fight evil
and great skill and luck for that person to survive.

If any such persons should desire employment by us,
they contact us and deal directly with us, as we
use no agents for such recruitment.

Nothing here excludes
foreign nationals off shore.

As a condition of employment, persons that join us could be
involved in activity that may eventually require a high U.S.A.
security clearance.
_ To qualify for clearance their origin will
not matter but their personal values and history will matter.

Citizens of any foreign nation may meet our requirements
and U.S.A. rules for a high U.S.A. security clearance, if they
verifiably possess very much needed rare skills or knowledge.

Such foreign citizens should not exclude themselves because
our employing them could be in our and their public interest.


We do it right.

Business and industry and government must implement by
necessity or mandate high confidence information security.

We work closely with information technology people, they may
belong to you or to your vendor or to any certifying organization.

We work closely with any or all in any combination, including our
continuing participation with any involved senior management.

We reliably arrange for proper certified Information Technology
practitioners to provide appropriate IT services at your facility.

We bring in certified U.S.A. people that demonstrate best attitude
and skill, and supply them with best technology and administration.

We provide proper consultation and evaluation of vendor proposals,
and proper oversight of vendor hardware and software installation,
and proper related data input services with proper quality audits.

We can arrange for some information security activities to
be done by certified practitioners that have earned currently
active U.S.A. security clearances at required levels or higher.

Our depth of participation depends on project initiation
date, and type and location and duration of the actual
work we are expected to do or arrange for others to do.

In this activity we are available to our competitors, to properly
and quietly provide our services to their clients, with our
role being that of an identifiable partner or facilitator.


I start my consultancy.

In 2004.

In 2004, I initiated my long-delayed personal goals and started my
monthly security industry print publication Rigorous Review (SM).

I then dropped my new print publication Rigorous Review (SM)
and rejoined my old career employer and continued to use my
old Pinkerton employee number 200487, but now it was at a
different part of them with a much different administration.

I quickly found I had greatly evolved and was not being used
to their best advantage, and I quickly removed myself to
establish my own consultancy and service provider.

Swerdloff & Associates (SM) and Rigorous Review (SM).

My goal was to provide Boston area business and industry my
competent rigorous review of their facility physical security.

During this period we offered to provide our services without limit
in behalf of and in support of my fellow security professionals
that were within my Boston ASIS (SM) chapter.

Our local domestic service offers were to provide rigorous review
of physical security of large facilities, then evolved to include
review of their IT information system hardware and software,
then evolved to include review of their IT staff duties.

Usually, at the same time of our local service offers, we offered our
rigorous review and/or management of physical security of legitimate
off shore venture capital investment facilities in very-high-risk areas.

To support our security marketing, we published ads on Google (SM)
AdWords (SM) search network.
_ We usually used as displayed
Web addresses to click, RigorousReview.com (SM) for our local offers and
swerdloff-boston-usa.com (SM) (this address requires 2 hyphens) for our
regional and world wide offers.
_ The address to click usually looked
the same from ad to ad, but we usually re-directed it to a page we
would create to optimally support the specific content of each ad.



Our display ads
on Google (SM) AdWords (SM).

Our regional and world wide offers were usually
directed to first-world and second-world producers
of almost any verifiably legitimate outside of U.S.A. high risk
venture capital investment, and their partners and contractors.

Our on-line display ads would appear when appropriate search
terms were entered in Google (SM)).
_ With no regard to cost
we almost always continuously published display ads
that were best positioned high on a first page.

At that time I was always well funded by generous
legitimate commercial sources of personal credit.

Our on-line advertising of our service-offers and
our job-offers would from time-to-time be directed
to fully display in geographical and cultural areas that
would include individuals and groups and nations then
governed by very strong adversaries to our personal
egalitarian goals, and by those very strong adversaries
to my national government's not always egalitarian goals.

Our idea was they and we would not demonstrate any
existing prejudice and bigotry and fear, and they and
we and others would be assigned to work together in
complex ways that required each of us to trust the other.

Our idea was to associate our selves closely with those
that do not trust us and some others, by us providing
our services to them and others, and for us to employ
them and others so all may learn about us, so all would
begin to realize we are worthy of their respect and trust.


I eventually made myself easy to reach by telephone by
almost any body at almost any time.
_ This caused me
great fatigue, but I did gain substantial new knowledge
about how some parts of the world actually work.

That experience reinforced lessons from years before,
when I experienced that honest people of high honor
could come from cultures that appear to represent
triumph of evil over good, and official records from
any authority may not always represent truth, and
it takes courage to fight and skill and luck to survive.

At that time I also learned some of them had deep
desire to eventually make successful absentee
investment in the areas they originated from.

Since I was always well funded I was able to invest
heavily in time and money in building on my new
knowledge by providing well researched and
studied service offers to qualified probable
clients, especially those that were off shore.


I was directing and marketing badly.

I had evolved to become very speculative,
very extravagant, very wasteful.

For my company to survive I had to change my
methods and priorities and bring in leadership
that would be far-superior to my leadership.

I had to accept that it is better to have a small part
of something good than to have all of nothing.

And then Susan M. Aucoin discovered me.



I join our company.

In 2008, the founder of this company,
Susan M. Aucoin, discovered me.

I enhanced her information technology and
assisted her entry into new markets.

We were from different religions but from the same U.S.A.
culture demonstrating very similar high egalitarian and
ethical standards, and our goals were very compatible,
and I found her healthy competent ways attractive.

Her husband had died more than a year before,
and so I allowed my self to strongly fall in love.

She allowed me to share her personal challenge
of properly establishing her additional business as
consultant or partner to those that provide very high
quality early childhood education to ordinary children.

That was her ultimate goal and I included it
as one of my goals, but the money we set aside
from our then current activities was not adequate
for a proper self-funded start-up, so we had to bring
in outside investors and we had to start close to home.

Then those expected outside investors backed-out because
new site problems beyond our control would not allow a
proper start-up at or near agreed-upon target dates.

After those expected outside investors backed-out
we gained wisdom, we continued to our goals by
paying for every thing through our earnings.


My heritage of
responsible positions.

_ Part 1 of 2 _

Susan and I evolved to have a very close personal
relationship based on mutual respect and trust.

In 2009 she invited me to become co-owner of her company.

My being co-owner facilitated my providing a full demonstration
of my heritage of responsible positions earned in many technical
support roles in business and industrial and military electronics.

This included nuclear weapon system instrumentation,
and lots of other Q-security-clearance-required
stuff, at various Boston facilities of EG&G (SM).

EG&G (SM) was formally known as
"Edgerton, Germeshausen, and Grier, Inc. (SM)".

EG&G (SM) was an elite U.S.A. national defense
_ A provider of management and
technical services, and some physical product.

In 2002 my old part of EG&G (SM) was
acquired by URS Corporation (SM).

In 2009 URS discontinued use of EG&G (SM) as a
division name.
_ Now URS Corporation (SM) is
part of AECOM (SM) and it also will disappear.

During my years at EG&G (SM), I was found to be very responsible and
I had earned an excellent reputation and I was very respected, but
I had to remove myself from EG&G (SM) because I started a
new business with my buddy of many years,
this was our second business together.

My buddy and business partner was E. David Abrams.

He then lived on our short street, in our safe old ethnic
neighborhood in Boston, with his parents and sister and dog.

My buddy was E. David Abrams, Edward David Abrams. _ He should
not be confused with any current or recent persons with a very similar
or same name, in the same or similar investment advisory business.

Years ago I started to try to re-connect with him. _ One very respected
information source would clearly state he died long ago, and another
would clearly state he is alive and active doing his expected business.

Even now with my open and verifiable ethical reputation, and my
full use of only ethical resources, and my legitimate personal
concern regarding his health and safety, I still can not find his
person or any reliably true information from any verifiably
appropriate first-person regarding his ultimate welfare.

We established a new investment advisor service for investors in
technology company stocks.
_ Of the two of us, I was the one
that understood the popular technologies of that time.

I would superficially educate David in technologies of
investment interest and then provide him with probable
investment advice regarding any related technology company.

David would then market and sell that advice.

David was entrepreneurial and brilliant and charismatic and most
girls (and their mothers) found him handsome, and I found he
would reliably work very hard for his economic success.

We started in each of our parent's humble residences, on our
short street in our old Boston MA ethnic neighborhood.

We evolved and continued in Midtown Manhattan, New York City.

I arranged that our company was properly funded and had adequate
reserves and no debt.
_ I provided all start-up capital and all on-going
business and personal funding until and after our business fully failed.

After I told my young lady my business had fully failed,
she quickly dumped me and had nothing to do with
me again and she quickly married some other guy.

After our business fully failed, David and I returned to our old
ethnic neighborhood and continued to live in the same way as
we both did before, each with our parents and sisters and dogs.

I continued my technology career and
earned good money, and I quickly paid
all remaining business and personal debt.

I continued my technology career, I worked with
technology as before and continued my education
and evolved into management as a department head.

When I continued my technology career, David returned to school
and eventually continued in other investment advice businesses.


My heritage of
responsible positions.

_ Part 2 of 2 _

To allow me to engage in some activities described below,
I earned very high level U.S.A. security clearance.

Much earlier I had started my technology career at the bottom
as a semi-skilled production laborer at a local facility of a
division of a top-tier international company that provided
business and industrial and military electronics.

My good attitude was eventually noticed. _ Then, at times of need
within my facility, I was given opportunity to do many different
kinds of work in different departments regardless of my
lack of formal education or seniority.

I was eventually moved from that huge production facility
to our much smaller product development department
at our division headquarters.

With that employer and later with different employers, I evolved
to assist engineers by building and documenting and testing
their sophisticated electronic and/or mechanical creations.

I evolved to have substantial latitude in physical layout and
packaging, then evolved to develop and illustrate and
document manufacturing and assembly and testing.

Then I evolved into middle level management, where I would
meet visiting customers to demonstrate our capabilities, and
I would administrate a department in which I developed and
published inspection standards and procedures and training
_ And I also educated and trained and
administrated my technical-product inspectors.

It was at that time, I realized I would have
to continue my formal higher-education.

I had difficult choices to make.


My heritage of
responsible positions.

I eventually evolved to accept the fact that I could not continue
in my technology career because I am not a gifted student and
I refused to continue to suffer greatly remaining secluded from
society while trying to earn certification to continue employment.

I had to accept my genetically endowed
academic limitations and move on.


My heritage of
responsible positions.

Moving on.

I was entrepreneurial in attitude, and had excellent role models, and
had a lot of money set aside, and so I tried many different things.

I eventually found I could rely only on my verifiable heritage of
healthy family values, zealous U.S.A. military service,
enthusiastic weapon related hobbies, . . . .

To find my place in the world I tried different
parts of the civilian security industry.

My security and interpersonal skills greatly evolved performing
very-high profile pro-active armed and un-armed legitimate
business related private security, especially as a Security
and Training Officer with my various career employers.

As a Security and Training Officer with any employer, I was
especially good at very-complex client start-ups where
I could deal directly with client senior management,
and where I could establish and publish and enforce
any appropriate security standard and procedure.

My greatest value to us and our clients, was in my educating
and properly training my difficult but normal-minded team.

They and I earned an excellent reputation.


My early heritage of
responsible positions.

Management Board.

Board of Directors.

Board of Advisors.

I may be available to
serve as a Board Member,
U.S.A. or international.

My political emphasis and experience is in relationships
dominated by business-focused individual humans.

My greatest strength is in my history of being influenced
by power-respecting others, which concern them selves
with the common-good and which tried to educate me.

Board Member History.

I have early experience as an active
voting Board Member in different venues.

When I transitioned from my technology-based
industry-related management duties, I evolved
into humble security-related adventures and
had a lot of free time and used that free time to
follow the lead of a young lady visual artist friend and
involved my self for years in my duties as a member of
the administrative body of my local popular visual artist
group and contributed my best.
_ That administrative
opinion-leading voting group was part of now-discontinued
"Boston Visual Artists Union" (BVAU).
_ Then, for years,
I associated my self with the formal administrative voting
group of my local popular very-large very-active firearm-related
part of my club, the still-active "Woburn Sportsmen's Association" in
Bedford MA.
_ I was then invited to join with CompuServe (SM) in a
paid non-technical position on their Boston MA advisory board with
other locals and some others they would fly into Boston MA; my part
was advising them on their services and methods in their very-active
competition with America On Line (SM) (AOL).
_ I then established my
still-active security-related consulting and training company.

For details of my old military history and my old and recent
employment and my now evolved civilian company,
you can easily find all of it on this Web page.

+1 617-232-3379 is my Brookline MA
active voice land-line since 1972.

My legal name is Henry Swerdloff
(9 James Street, Brookline MA 02446).


Initiate contact,
text E-Mail is best.

We now use my earlier company names to market some services.
Those names are known by many and have earned respect.

My name is Henry Swerdloff.


Please Copy and Paste address from line directly above.
E-Mail text with no graphics or attachments or active links.
Your private communication with us will remain private.

Any of our Web pages could contain forward looking
plans that may not be clearly identified as such.


Venture Capital.

Make Your Investment.


Public Domain.To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R". Public Domain

This graphic is from 1942.

"All Together, Mates!"

"Let's Sink 'em!"

Open deck, no protection.
We engage, we receive fire.
We will remain, we will do our job.

This World War 2 U.S. Navy wall poster is from U.S.A. archives.

Our current antagonists are different, but we and they
express the same human passions in the same way.

We display this poster because it illustrates
our Swerdloff & Associates hard attitude.

Open deck, no protection.
We engage, we receive fire.

_ We will remain, we will do our job. _

_ We remain obedient to our word. _

You can count on us.


Rigorous Review dot com

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

Investment outside of U.S.A.

Our security consultation and services can properly support legitimate
very high risk venture capital investment in environments hostile to
such investment and in friendly environments which are corrupt.

We hire and work only with un-inhibited people and entities that
deeply understand the cultures in which we assign them to work.



Your investment with our support.

We expect you to help us make it happen.

We can help make your success more probable.

We work best towards permanent solutions and results.


We have educated and trained others.

Our owner is Henry Swerdloff. _ As part of his normal duties
when he was with Pinkerton (SM), his career employer in his
Boston U.S.A., he would frequently train academically gifted
foreign nationals from environments we all would then and
now describe as hostile or corrupt, to which most of them
would choose not to return after earning advanced degrees
at the many famous universities that are near or local to us.

During their long training as Security Officers by our Henry,
and their long sharing of duties with him or under his
administration, as their relationships evolved with
him, most of them and he would share honest
stories about their life experiences.

Our Henry learned that honest people of high-honor could come from
cultures that appear to represent the triumph of evil-over-good, and
official records from ANY authority may NOT always represent truth,
and it takes courage to fight and skill and luck to survive.


Working against the odds.

Our Henry learned that of those he trained and shared duties and
administrated, some had deep desire to eventually make successful
absentee investment in the physical or cultural areas they were then
most familiar with, usually the physical areas they originated from.

Our Henry expected that almost all of them would take advantage
of U.S.A. immigration laws as they existed at that time, and they
would choose to remain in our U.S.A.
_ And of those that did
remain, each would probably enjoy high status and earnings
as they evolved to become leaders of U.S.A. businesses they
would join or start, and most would probably evolve to become
respected opinion-leaders of U.S.A. communities they would join.

Our Henry expected those that chose to remain would learn
and accept our U.S.A. culture and see that they or their children,
usually working with others, can invest time and money to
successfully change parts of the world to create, for almost any
group or region, an enduring positive legacy for ordinary people.

Our Henry expects that some of them, and many others,
would be interested in the services we can provide.


Our resilience and grace
when working against the odds.

In doing our job we try to not harm honest
friendly governments and innocent people.

We can perfectly support legitimate high-risk,
high-reward, venture capital investment

The areas in which we expect to work do-not
present reasonably-safe high-level investment
opportunities, unless special preparations and
conditions are made to exist by our direct effort
and the effort of identified and un-identified
entities we expect we would partner with.

Such entities are required in some areas to reliably provide
important services that would assure reliable early
demonstration of our success and ultimately an
enduring positive legacy for ordinary people.

Our work can quickly become very-complicated and very-messy,
but we will have a job to do and we will do that job properly.

We know how corrupt cultures and people
are reliably made to change.

If we can not do a proper job our selves,
we bring in those that can.

We solve problems with people that are
related or not-related to the investment.

Our hard authoritative attitude is often required.

We are authoritative, but we usually listen to
those we trust and usually follow good advice.

It causes us distress that some times good people are hurt
because they believe bad things are being created by us
and those we influence, and then they try to stop our
processes to force results which they will approve.

We can NOT satisfy every one,
we will NOT exhaust our selves trying.

We can NOT always be kind and considerate.

We WILL properly do our job in a timely fashion.


We are
soldiers in a war.

We will reliably do what has to be done.

We expect our work environment will be
non-conventional and corrupt and dangerous.

(sm) (C) Henry Swerdloff.
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

We help entrap and devastate Criminal Enterprise,
that Criminal Enterprise could be a Government,
we make no deals and recognize no hostages.

To earn our honor, allow us
to do our job as we see it.

Unless a client intends our relationship with them to be public,
all our dealings with them will be private.
_ We keep it private
unless our good sense dictates that we notify and partner with
our selection of parts of U.S.A. constitutional authorities we can
trust, and to partner with other honest authorities we can trust.

Authorities we collaborate with in a formal way; we trust
they will allow us to continue to earn our honor, by
allowing us to continue to do our job as we see it.


Military history of
our Henry Swerdloff.

Strength and Honor.

In 1956, at the height of the Cold War, in our United States,
most ordinary mortals were in deep fear of conventional and
nuclear conflict with a sincere evil-appearing insecure-feeling
self-righteous nuclear-armed huge first-class-military power
that loudly and publicly declared they can and will
physically destroy us if it pleases them.

Un-like our current-antagonist, the Socialist Marxist
Government of Mainland China, the CCP, our earlier
antagonist was also Socialist Marxist, but this antagonist
enjoyed a greatly-accomplished military, it was another
World War 2 victor with excellent attitude and equipment.

It was Stalin in Russia, along with his then Soviet Union.

To stay alive we had to become a superior-power
and we had to greatly-try to keep the peace.

In the past we did the best we could to evolve
to keep the peace, and today we still try.

To keep the peace was then and still
is dangerous work that never ends.

We are NOT a perfect people. _ Look how we allow
current CCP influenced Socialist Marxist doctrine
to contaminate our America U.S.A. focused world.

In 1956, at the height of the Cold War, demonstrating the
great wisdom of a loved and protected and un-educated
child, our owner truly believed he was able to contribute
greatly to the survival of our mostly-superior civilization.

Henry was then legally under-age for his U.S.A. military,
a quiet dull age 16 under-achiever without a girl friend.

But, he had documented permission from his very patriotic
immigrant related parents, and prior paramilitary experience
and drilling in Boston with the old Dorchester Squadron of
Civil Air Patrol (SM), and paramilitary education and drilling
as part of the curriculum of the old Boston Public Schools (SM).

With that verifiable documentation and experience, and with a
pen-and-ink birth certificate altered by him, he volunteered for
United States military service in which he would share 8 years
with much older local volunteers that had previously served in
serious land combat operations during World War 2 and Korea
when our casualties were high and our success not guaranteed.

It was in his sharing of duties with those volunteers, and
learning from them, that he would start to evolve to
have a strong sense of obligation to posterity.

As part of a revised plan, he quietly continued his formal
education in Boston Public Schools (SM) and graduated
from their vocational high school in 1957.

He was a highly-motivated child with very poor social skills,
but he had extensive informal background in artillery and
radar and missile systems at the component level.

While he demonstrated superior technical knowledge to most
others in his unit, he could not be advanced in rank to
administrate others, because he was still a child
that demonstrated very-poor social skills.

When chatting with his military peers, he would
speak too softly and he would mostly look at his feet.

In 1963, his unit was told their mission was now obsolete,
then his unit was split-up and he was put into a unit
in which his special skills were not needed.

In 1964, he did not re-enlist after his 8 years,
mostly because he was no-longer needed.

Today, he would quietly admit to you, he does still miss
the challenge of his military experience, and he does
still miss some of the people he has served with.

The business and technical services our company now offers,
had their foundation at the time of his military participation.



Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)

Since 1975 we have been at our original Massachusetts address.

We started next to our Boston at our current Brookline address;
and we evolved to provide equal services with equal reliability and
quality in Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island.


We want to open and read E-Mail from you.

Your signed E-Mail is most welcome, and your
responsible disclosures are sincerely appreciated.

If you are new to us, please E-Mail us only pure and
simple text with no graphics or attachments or active links.

Graphics or attachments or active links can easily hide or
load malicious virulent code that may be new and
not recognized by our protective software.

Our ads and mails
and service offers.

Our ad or mail usually has a short custom Web page hosted
on our server to which a probable client would be directed,
and usually that short page will detail only that service offer.


Web voice or translator programs.

All our public Web pages work properly with voice programs
used by blind people, and can also be properly translated
by computer into some other national languages.

Some voice or translator programs for Web pages call a
hyphen a dash.
_ Web addresses require hyphens.

We only use hyphens on our Web pages.


Employment with us.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

This brochure is dated 16 September 2023.


Rigorous Review dot com

Inside and Outside of U.S.A. Job Offers.

This entire page is specific to our current inside and
outside of U.S.A. service and employment offers.

Any positions we judge appropriate for
you may not be available now or later.

Any of our Web pages could contain forward looking
plans that may not be clearly identified as such.


Outside of U.S.A. Job Offers.

This information relates to individual persons.

Outside of U.S.A. employment
is not described on this Web page.

Our database of outside of U.S.A. applicants
will continue to remain active.

Applicants should continue communication and updates.

Applicants deal only with Boston U.S.A. headquarters
as we continue to not use agents for recruitment.

If you are directly employed by us and not by a third party with
which we arranged to employ you, expect us to report your
earnings to your appropriate tax authorities (if any) and others.

If you agree, depending upon your duties and environment,
we may arrange for a legitimate third party to legally
employ you, and for them to report your earnings to
your appropriate tax authorities (if any) and others.


Inside and Outside of U.S.A. Job Offers.

This information relates to individual persons.

We expect our applicants to be proved and clearly evident to be
reliable and superbly skilled local people, that with only a few
exceptions are certified to practice our science and art.


We will not employ family or friends of anyone
associated with us or our clients.

Any positions we judge appropriate for you
may not be available now or later.


We are developing a private list of qualified employment
applicants that may be suitable for us now or later.

We expect to interview them as our needs evolve.


If you are properly qualified, please work for us.

This information relates to individual persons.

We welcome U.S.A. resident applicants regardless of their regional
or national or religious origins, but our offer of employment will
happen only if we and our contractors can verify the applicant
can reliably demonstrate to our satisfaction they are very
reliable and superbly skilled and will fit in.

You will find our leadership is very approachable and very kind.

We are a merit based open community that is
sincere and dynamic and diverse.

We will evaluate an application for employment
from any truly qualified person.

Depending on the type and location of work we assign you
to do for us, we grant you permission to also work at the
same time for any number of our competitors, if you
accurately and timely inform us in writing of any
existing or expected relationships with those competitors.

We expect you to do what you think is best for you.

We probably will help you to meet your
responsibilities to your self and others.


To start a formal application for employment:

In English, submit a formal application for employment.

A letter you print in your own hand on paper that you mail in an
envelope will be perfect.
_ In that application, you must supply
your E-Mail address and Voice telephone number, and you must
attach a clear photocopy of your personal government issued
photo identification.
_ You need to do this only once.

Expect us to share this application and identification
with those that verify and certify its content.

Nothing will be returned to you.

Mail employment application on paper to:

Henry Swerdloff
9 James Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Telephone calls or visits from applicants are not desired.

We will always report your earnings to
appropriate tax authorities and others.


Represent us inside of U.S.A.

This offer is open to individual persons and to
companies with large lists of clients they represent.

As a non-exclusive Agent you will non-exclusively represent
us in the U.S.A. with no geographical limitation for our
facility physical security services.

Our medical industry technical services are currently being
offered only in Connecticut, Massachusetts, Rhode Island.

As a non-exclusive Agent you will also non-exclusively
represent us in those states for those services.

You will be an independent contractor and
you will work in or from your home or office,
you are free to represent others at the same time.

You will earn continuous commissions for the specific
services you will arrange for us to perform for as long
as we perform those services continuous and un-broken.

When you work for us as an independent contractor,
the law requires you to register your self as a
separate company and meet other requirements.

We will always report your earnings to
appropriate tax authorities and others.


Provide services for us.

This offer is open to individual persons and
to large companies with many employees.

We need properly certified and experienced
help that has verifiable real life experience.

For some of our IT jobs you can choose to work
as our employee or as an independent contractor.

As our employee or as an independent contractor,
we may offer you the option of being able
to work in or from your home.

As our employee you will be required to reliably
work any schedule we negotiate with you.

As an independent contractor you will be required to
reliably work any schedule we negotiate with you, but
you have more flexibility in negotiating those schedules.

When you work for us as an independent contractor,
the law requires you to register your self as a
separate company and meet other requirements.

We will always report your earnings to
appropriate tax authorities and others.


Suggest a job for your self.

This offer is open to individual persons and
to large companies with many employees.

You have learned about our capabilities and culture.

Please suggest an appropriate job you can
perform for us reliably and properly.

We may help you advance to your goals
if it helps us advance to ours.


Inside and Outside of U.S.A. Job Offers.

U.S.A. national and state employment laws are strict.

Under the law of any U.S.A. state or any modern country, an
individual person or contractor is protected from a probable
employer gathering or using some intelligence that is true or not
from some sources with or without permission of the applicant.

For some kinds of employment an individual person or contractor can
challenge almost any employment decision by a probable employer.

That challenger will probably prevail and earn substantial damages
and legal fees and the position they are seeking with back pay,
except if the job or role the probable employee or contractor
reasonably expects has some limited exclusion under law.


Employment law for some of our positions.

Depending on what we intend to hire you for, under law we and
our contractors enjoy limited exclusion from typical employment
laws that require us to perform only very limited investigation of you,
and to present you with very limited interview methods and subjects,
and for us to be very proper and fair in your comfort and treatment.

And, depending on what we intend to hire you for, anything we find
need not be kept private and secure, and need not for us to not notify
authority, and that all findings need not disappear after required time.


This information relates to individual persons.

When you apply for employment with us, expect deep
un-inhibited invasive investigation and examination.

To request employment by us you must deal
directly with us, we use no agents for recruitment.

Except for exclusive employment with our child care services,
by requesting employment by us for any other position you
give us durable permission to seek develop consider
information true or not regardless of age or source.

Except for exclusive employment with our child care services,
employee and contractor positions we offer anyone at this
time will be in environments that are private technology
or information based and will eventually require invasive
security background investigation by us and others.

We use contractors to develop deep intelligence on applicant
suitability, because character and judgment is as important as
skill, and the best predictor of future behavior is past behavior.

Not all our employment decisions will be quantifiable,
some decisions will not be based on observable fact.


U.S.A. Security Clearance, U.S.A. citizen or not.

Separate from any investigation and examination that we
and our contractors may perform, a separate but similar
activity is required for a U.S.A. security clearance.

If your job requires a U.S.A. security clearance,
a U.S.A. agency and its contractors perform
additional investigation and examination of you.

Your failure to timely earn required security clearance
will result in our terminating your employment.

U.S.A. certification rules for a high security clearance
will normally require a very reliable U.S.A. citizen
(resident or not), unless that person verifiably possesses
very much needed rare skills or knowledge; perhaps
from a rare background of a different culture,
be it friendly or hostile, rotten or not.

Some very loyal citizens of any foreign nation may
meet our company requirements and the U.S.A.
certification rules for a high security clearance.

Such foreign citizens should not exclude themselves, because
our employing them could be in our and their public interest.

If you join us in activity that may eventually require a U.S.A.
security clearance, to qualify for that clearance your origin
will not matter but your personal values and history will matter.


For employment info, send text
E-Mail to our Henry Swerdloff.

Copy and Paste the address from line directly below, E-Mail
only text with no graphics or attachments or active links.


Your private communication with us will remain private, only
appropriate staff and contractors will read your E-Mail.

Positions we judge appropriate for you
may not be available now or later.

Other E-Mail addresses are also valid,
but they are used for different purposes.


Company Founder.

Susan M. Aucoin.


Rigorous Review dot com

This is her company.

To display missing graphic, hold CONTROL Key down and Press key marked with the letter "R".

(SM) (C) Susan M. Aucoin

Her name is Susan M. Aucoin.

She is the founder of this company.

Medical documentation technology has rapidly changed
the required way that U.S.A. medical service providers
document their services to their patients and how
they report those services to required others.

Susan originally administrated our medical coding
and billing and documentation services; and was
a certified CPC, a member of AAPC and AMBA.

Because of required changes, some of our quality
services became obsolete, and for us to remain
viable we evolved away from those services.

I felt a deep respect for her decision to evolve away
from her comfort and safety, to take deep risks to
try to continue to live a life that is worth living.

I remain deeply committed to her person
and to those goals she found important.

Our Susan died in 2016.


(SM) (C) HS

For many years Susan has been very passionate about
providing very high quality early childhood education.

Susan created and properly initiated a new separate business to
reliably provide that kind of valuable education to ordinary children.

When economics forced that separate business to discontinue,
she continued in similar work and earned an excellent reputation.

Because our Susan died recently, she is no longer physically
able to involve her self in the same way as she did in the past.

She earned her success and excellent reputation, and
she and her heritage continue to influence us strongly.

Susan created and we will continue to provide
services as consultant and facilitator of early
childhood education for ordinary children.

We can help establish or substantially improve a business or
non-profit or government in providing very high quality
early childhood education to ordinary children.

For a fee, or in exchange for a share of resulting revenue,
or for both; we reliably provide services in Connecticut or
Massachusetts or New Hampshire or Rhode Island as consultant
and facilitator of early childhood education for ordinary children.

Our participation can include our sitting in on very private
negotiations with private individuals, or political office holders,
or representatives of organized labor, or those charged with
responsibility of properly investing public money, or . . . .

By heritage we are security people, we know
how to keep our mouths shut after the fact.


Contact us.

Address text E-Mail to Henry Swerdloff. _ It will be delivered to
an appropriate person that could facilitate our interaction with
you in activities previously administrated by Susan M. Aucoin.


Please Copy and Paste address from line directly above.
E-Mail text with no graphics or attachments or active links.
Your private communication with us will remain private.


Susan taught us a lot.

We continue to learn.

Our Susan's body died in April 2016, but she and
her heritage continue to influence us strongly.

Over our many years we found Susan to be
the best person any mortal could be.


Our Company Names.

These are some of our most recent.


Our Names.

We some times do our business
under different company names.

All our names share our permanent
Dun & Bradstreet (SM) D-U-N-S (SM) number 15-998-9362.

HireHenry.com (SM)
brings you to this page.

HigherHenry.com (SM)
brings you to this page.


Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) (SM)

Rigorous Review dot com (SM)

Boston Medical Documentation Services. (SM)

Granny's House Child Care Early Learning Centers. (SM)

GrannysHouse.biz (SM)

HireGranny.com (SM)

HireSusan.com (SM)

RigorousReview (SM)

Rigorous Review (SM)

RigorousReview.com (SM)

usaWeFit.com (SM)

usaMosaicWar.com (SM)

usaMosaicWarfare.com (SM)

usaMicrobeWarfare.com (SM)

usaWarFighter.com (SM)

usaWarFighter.TW (SM)

Henry Swerdloff (SM)

Swerdloff & Associates (SM)

Henry Swerdloff and Associates (SM)

HenryBostonUSA.com (SM)

HenrySwerdloff.com (SM)

HireHenry.com (SM)

HigherHenry.com (SM)

SwerdloffBostonUSA.com (SM)


swerdloff-boston-usa.com (SM)

This "swerdloff-boston-usa.com" has 2 hyphens.

On the Google (SM) AdWords (SM) network,
we usually used this address as part
of our international ads to click-on
to display an appropriate Web page.


Every ".com" ".TW" ".biz" on
this page is our Service Mark.


Our Web Pages.

Other parts of us on 16 September 2023.


Early childhood education.

We can help.

(SM) (C) HS

We can help establish or substantially improve a business or
non-profit or government in providing a very high quality
early childhood education to ordinary children.

Our participation can include our sitting in on very private
negotiations with private individuals, or political office holders,
or representatives of organized labor, or those charged with
responsibility of properly investing public money, or . . .

By heritage we are security people, we know
how to keep our mouths shut after the fact.

Link 1: _HireSusan.com

Link 2: _RigorousReview.com/gh

SSL Link 3: _SwerdloffBostonUSA.com/gh

Link 4, different info and format: _GrannysHouse.biz

Link 5, different info and format: _HireGranny.com

Link 6, different, old Linkedin: _Linkedin.com/in/SusanMAucoin

Click on any of the first 3 Links and it
loads the same page on our server.

For different info and format on our
different server, Click Web page Link 4 or 5.

For her different full early info in the usual
Linkedin format, Click Web page Link 6.

HireSusan.com is easier to remember.


Search providers
can attach . . . .

We firmly do not desire tracking codes or Cookies
to be made a part-of or served along-with our public
Web pages, we do not use them, there should be none.

Search providers can attach cookies and
tracking codes to any page they present.

There can not be a tracking code or a Cookie
if you load this page directly from our server.

Click any of the 4 Links directly below or copy or type
any into your browser, then load our page and then
Save its address to your Favorites or Bookmarks.

Link: _usaWarFighter.TW

Link: _usaWarFighter.com

Link: _RigorousReview.com

Link: _SwerdloffBostonUSA.com

Each loads this page from our server.


Personal Responsibility.

Excellent Attitude.


Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review.

Since 1975, we have been at our current address.

We have very-deep roots.

We some times do business
under different company names.

Rigorous Review (SM) and Henry Swerdloff (SM) identities
are included in our Swerdloff & Associates (SM)
BBB (SM) and Dun & Bradstreet (SM) numbers.


Our public face is our Henry Swerdloff (SM).

His personal BBB (SM) number is also our
company BBB (SM) number: 185590.

All our names also share
his personal Dun & Bradstreet (SM)
D-U-N-S (SM) number 15-998-9362 (159989362).


Since 1972, our Boston U.S.A. publicly listed
land-line telephone number has been:

+1 617 232 3379


Since 1975, he has been at our current Massachusetts
street address, next to Boston in Brookline 02446.


When with Pinkerton in Boston.
(SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

Hidden in image is ID state info.
Photo is copy of non-related state license.

My name is Henry Swerdloff.

Image below is of me in my home shop.

Henry is in his messy home workshop. _ (SM) Photo Copyright (C) Henry Swerdloff

May all your Gods and ours bless you and your people,
as we often have been blessed in our America U.S.A.

I try to be a responsible citizen of the world.

You and I are responsible for what comes after us.

My ultimate goal is that the result of our activity is an
enduring positive legacy to posterity, ours and yours.

It is vital to my self-esteem that
your experience with us be very-good.

Thank you for allowing us to share with you.


Legal Stuff.

Legal stuff about our Brand, and Page, and
License, and Copyright, and ISBN, and . . . .


Our Punitive Litigation.

Legal stuff about our aggressive
self-protective Punitive Litigation.

The company that provides your Internet service, could easily
corrupt the appearance of this Web page and the
environment in which you view it.

We deny permission to your Internet Service Provider, your ISP,
and others, to display ads or notifications or entertainment, audio
or graphic, within or over or under or in proximity to this Web page.

We deny permission and invite offers of legally
appropriate service from qualified legal entities,
to seek payment to us of punitive damages we
expect would be due us, with the entire fee for
that service being the customary percentage
of damages we receive in addition to all
customary costs paid by the defendant.


Our Brand.

Legal stuff about our Brand.

Brand name of our company and service and brochure use our
Registered Service Mark " Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R) ".

Our Service Mark, its U.S.A. Serial Number is 87914224.
Its U.S.A. Registration Number is 5647445.

Our Service Mark, its International Class is 035.
Its U.S.A. Classes are 100, 101, 102.

Classes are Business consultation,
Business development consulting services,
Business management consulting and advisory services.

In fact, as described in this Web page brochure,
our services are much more complete than those
few services associated with our Registered Mark.

For quick best recognition of ultimate responsibility,
and for best freedom and protection under law,
and for best U.S.A. legal and tax purposes,
we are an un-incorporated Business,
we are a U.S.A. Sole Proprietorship,
our Owner is our Henry Swerdloff.


Our Page.

Legal stuff about our Page.

This is our Brochure and primary Web page.
This Brochure is most inclusive, it is very long.

You and we are responsible for what comes after us.

This Web page of Henry Swerdloff of Boston (Brookline MA) U.S.A.
describes his history and the services he and others provide.

This Web page is specific to our current inside and
outside of U.S.A. service and employment offers.

This Web page may supplement or replace any of our highly
detailed service and employment pages that may have
appeared to those that may have used specific on-line
search criteria or responded to our on-line ads or to our
mail; our Copyright
(C) continues on all replaced pages.

Any of our Web pages could contain forward looking
plans that may not be clearly identified as such.


Our Copyright.

Legal stuff about our Copyright (C).

This internationally Copyrighted
brochure is Registered in U.S.A.

This current Web page replaces our earlier pages.
(C) continues on all replaced pages.

Copyright (C) by our Henry Swerdloff:
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008,
2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013,
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018,
2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.

Content of this page was
Edited 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

This page was Published next to our Boston U.S.A.
on 16 September 2023 UTC; all our U.S.A.
and all our international rights are reserved by our
Henry Swerdloff and our Susan M. Aucoin.


To encrypt this page, use:



We really do NOT want to robustly encrypt this Public Page.

We want ALL to have easy access at any time in any place.


Our License.

Legal stuff about our License
to use specific graphics.

Graphics and photos published by us are under proper license.

U.S.A. and international rights reserved by their identified owners.
Copyright (C) or Public Domain notification are adjacent to each.

We are licensed to derive and modify and publish content from a
photo that is Copyright (C) by Jacek Chabraszewski - Fotolia (SM).

Graphic of House-With-Tree on this Web page was derived from
that photo and we use it as a Service Mark (SM) of our business.

That graphic was modified by our Henry and labeled "(C) HS".

We are fully-licensed to modify and publish our medical group
theme photo, Copyright (C) iofoto-Fotolia as our (SM) HS photo.

That photo was modified by Henry and
labeled "
(C) iofoto-Fotolia" and "(SM) HS".

This page is designed for a desktop or laptop
display, not a small personal display.


Our URL QR graphic.


This QR validates then loads ISBN page from our server.

Use this QR Code graphic to
load our
ISBN Web page
from our server.


Contact Information.

Since 1972, our Boston U.S.A. publicly listed
land-line telephone number has been:

+1 617 232 3379


Since 1975, address all mail on paper to:

Henry Swerdloff
9 James Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Address all private client and
employee work-related E-Mail to:


Other E-Mail addresses are also valid,
but they are used for different purposes.

Unless we establish different with you,
we will do our electronic correspondence
with you using E-Mail addresses that end in
"RigorousReview.com" or "HenrySwerdloff.com";
we use each differently in how we market services.

We no longer use or monitor our old address for our old Telex
machine variant or for our old fully-numeric E-Mail address.


Links to outside
Web sites are below.

Each site provides information that may
provide validation of us and our mission.

After you open a Link,
to return to previous page,
first try LEFT ARROW on Browser.

If your browser opened a separate viewer, then
to return here close that viewer after viewing.

Links to outside Web sites are below.

Each site provides information that may
provide validation of us and our mission.

We do NOT host these 12
Web sites on our servers,
they could use Cookies
and try to identify you.

Click on any group
of big blue 3 letters.

Each is a Web page Link.

_ BBB _ CLA _ GIL _ GOO _ GRA _ PIN _

_ RES _ THO _ TRA _ UFO _ USA _ VOA _

Each Web site provides information that may
provide validation of us and our mission.


Our Henry was issued same as above.
This Photo was edited from Public Domain.

Our Henry at age 16 (SM) Photo Copyright (C) Henry Swerdloff

(R) (SM)


Part of my heritage, from
1956 to 1964, for 8 full years.

Letter "A" is used to identify First Army because
it is the First letter of our English alphabet.

"Formed in 1918, First Army is the oldest and longest
established field army of the United States Army."

In 1956, my first dress uniform was dark Olive Drab colored wool
with its bright First Army patch on its left sleeve, and my leather
shoes and boots were high-shine dark brown; and my usual
utility fatigue work uniform was dark Green colored cotton.

I would later fall in love with my mission and my
almost-new U.S. Carbine, Caliber .30, M1/A1.

Demonstrating great wisdom of an un-educated child, I believed
I was able to contribute greatly to the survival of our civilization.

I was a highly-motivated child with very poor social skills,
but I had extensive informal background in artillery and
radar and missile systems at the component level.

While I demonstrated superior technical knowledge to most
others in my unit, I could not be advanced in rank to
administrate others, because I was still a child
that demonstrated very poor social skills.

In 1963, my unit was told our mission was now obsolete,
then my unit was split-up and I was put into a unit
in which my special skills were not needed.

In 1964, I did not re-enlist after my 8 years,
mostly because I was no-longer needed.

I still miss the challenge of my military experience,
and I still miss some of the people I served with.

Henry Swerdloff


Our Amy is our true Boss,
she rules our Henry.

She would tell our Henry what to do,
and he would very-quickly do it.

This photo is of our Amy in our now-closed
additional Thompson CT facility in 2013.

Amy (SM) (C) Henry Swerdloff

This 2013 photo of our Amy is by our Susan M. Aucoin, when
both were at our now-closed additional Thompson CT facility.


Bring us in and use us properly
and every one will benefit.

We find and solve business
and technical problems, and try to
protect and enhance our U.S.A. republic.

This is our full Brochure on-line,
it is long and not focused.

To support our ads when we advertise, we create
short focused Web pages with unique names.


SSL encryption
is your choice.

This is our Brochure and primary Web page.

This page is often viewed in the second and
third world by people often limited by their
old technology, often using manually-set
early protocol and acoustic modems, on
analog land-lines for dial-up telephones.

Our owner U.S.A. trained such
second and third world people.

Old technology can
trap good people.

SSL encryption gets in the way
in some primitive systems.

We do not usually SSL encrypt this page.

To encrypt this page, we use:




Employment and
Copyright and Legal
and Contact Information.

Find all of it far above.



Our early Web page archive of this page,
as page "http://rigorousreview.com",
is available to you on "archive.org".

On November 24, 2022, "archive.org" received
"index 2022 11-24-A2 .html" as "index.html".

Our Archive of This Page, it now extends from
End of March 2004 to November 24, 2022.


ISBN number of this Web page:

Published in U.S.A. on
16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

Copyright (C) by our Henry Swerdloff:
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016,
2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021,
2022, 2023.


This page was published next to our Boston U.S.A.
on 16 September 2023 UTC; all our U.S.A. and
international rights are reserved by our
Henry Swerdloff and our Susan M. Aucoin.

Copy and Paste RigorousReview.com to view this page.

Copy and Paste SwerdloffBostonUSA.com to view this page.


To see employment details, find it far above.

To start a formal application for employment,
find instructions above or read them below.

In English, submit a formal application for employment.

A letter you print in your own hand on paper that you mail in an

envelope will be perfect.
_ In that application, you must supply
your E-Mail address and Voice telephone number, and you must
attach a clear photocopy of your personal government issued
photo identification.
_ You need to do this only once.

Expect us to share this application and identification
with those that verify and certify its content.

Nothing will be returned to you.

Mail employment application on paper to:

Henry Swerdloff
9 James Street
Brookline, MA 02446

Telephone calls or visits from applicants are not desired.

We will always report your earnings to
appropriate tax authorities and others.


We Find Stuff.

Expect This: _ We find stuff. _ If our reporting it to
you will destroy a trusted legal intelligence operation,
then expect us to NOT report that finding to you; we will
report it to that operation's leadership or much higher.


Any of our Web pages could contain forward looking
plans that may not be clearly identified as such.

This page does NOT contain any info
controlled under U.S.A. regulations,
such as International Traffic in Arms
or Export Administration Regulations.


Rigorous Review Employment and Copyright
and Legal and Contact Information,
find all of it far above.

We use this U.S.A. Registered Service Mark
for all our U.S.A. and Foreign services.

Henry Swerdloff, Rigorous Review. (R)


Copyright 2023, Published in Boston U.S.A.

All rights reserved by our Henry Swerdloff.

Edited on 16 September 2023, at 16:28 UTC.

_ Find more details far above.

Click-Hold-Release to return to top.

Henry Swerdloff, Boston U.S.A.
Rigorous Review of Business and Industry.

Click to load this Big Page as SSL RigorousReview.com

Click to load this Big Page as SSL SwerdloffBostonUSA.com

Click to load this Big Page to make it equal to SSL PayHenry.com

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